[Daily Build] Voyager 2.1.2e version ready

Ready to download the daily build 2.1.2e of Voyager:


'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Aggiunta opzione in sequenza per creare subdirectory per nome filtro dove salvare i file FIT
'[ROBOFIRE] => NEW => Aggiunto parametro in controllo posizione finale focheggiatore durante operazioni RoboFire per allargare l’intervallo di validità della posizione raggiunta per focheggiatore con intervalli di step discreti non unitari
'[SAFETY MONITOR] => NEW => Aggiunto nuovo controllo al Safety Monitor per leggere lo stato di SAFE UNSAFE da una stringa di testo posta in un file a singola riga aggiornato da programmi esterni a Voyager. Ricerca con stringa configurabile e controllo dati troppo vecchi. Utile per Osservatori condivisi tra più setup


'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Added sequence option to create subdirectories by filter name where to save FIT files
'[ROBOFIRE] => NEW => Added parameter to control the final position of the focuser during RoboFire operations to widen the validity interval of the position reached by focuser with non-unitary discrete step intervals
'[SAFETY MONITOR] => NEW => Added new control to the Safety Monitor to read the status of SAFE UNSAFE from a text string placed in a single-line file updated by programs external to Voyager. Search with configurable string and data check too old. Useful for Observatories shared between multiple setups

Daily Build is declared potentially unstable … download the last official release version to come back.

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Sounds excellent Leo. Is the format of the text file specified within the Setup menu?

yes, you can choose file and string contained that mean SAFE