Is anyone using Voyager with 10Micron mount? Meridian flip question

Hi. We are using Voyager with a GM3000 mount. Can anyone using 10Micron and its driver share the proper setup to handle meridian flip when using Voyager for sequencing? Settings in both the 10Micron driver and in Voyager would be appreciated. We want to ensure that the mount restarts tracking after the flip.

Thanks. Andy

Hi Andy,

there’s no problem to use 10micron ASCOm driver. Just setting the driver to allow passing meridian flip for some minutes (or degree). In this way VOyager can manage all operation. Also setting the right ASCOM mode for detect flip mode in Voyager.

Attached a PDF paper written from one 10micron user about Voyager setting.
You can translate from italian or you can contact me to do togheter.

Settings GM2000 QCI per Voyager.pdf (313.4 KB)

ATTENTION !!! IMAGE ARE INVERTED IN DOC … i dont have original source to modify !

All the best,