Apogee Camera conect?

To connect my Apogee U16 and filter wheel to Voyager I’m currently using Maxim Dl, it works fine. Is there an ascom driver that works for Apogee? If so, I can’t seem to find it… I would like to connect both without using Maxim Dl.


I have an apogee alta model and it works with voyager through own ascom drivers.

I can make them available if you want to give it a shot. Let me know


That would be great if you could. I have been searching for days trying to find them. It would be well worth a try. Do you know if the ascom driver will also support the apogee filter wheel? How can you makt them available?
Thanks, Paul

Thank you so much!!! I installed the ascom driver and it works perfectly with the camera and filter wheel…
A rare 2 clear nigjts ahead, you are a life saver…

Glad it worked out! Don’t forget to share a picture with that setup :wink:


Thanks again Miguel…
I did have a small problem when I ran the first sequence in a drag script.
After installing the ascom driver and changing the camera setup, everything conected ok. I opened up the observatory and did a bunch of test shots using camera control in on the fly… Everything looked and behaved great… I ran a drag script with a sequnce in it for the veil. When the first 10 min sub came down, all the data looke like whole image was squished into the left half of the frame. The right half was blank. The second sub did the same thing so I aborted, did a 10 min sub using on the fly, and it was perfect… I disconnected everything, checked and re saved the sequence and the drag script, re connected everything and ran the drag script again. What ever it was, it fixed itself (I hate that) and the script ran all night, closed and shutdown the obs, and every sub looks great!
Ive got another clear night and everything is set up to run the same script. I cant believe I can get the the whole whitches broom on this chip using my 16 RC!
It looks promising…

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