Arduino Cloud Sensor

Hello to all,
i don’t know if you know this arduino and ascom based project for a cloud sensor:

I would like to ask Leo if it was possible to put this cloud detection system on Voyager, it shouldn’t be that complicated.

I have tested it and it works really well and is very accurate if well calibrated.


Hi Tony,

I see a driver ASCOM inside project … in this case you can use it in Voyager without changing anything.

All the best

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Ok many thanks for reply. I will try to insert it from the ascom driver

Thank you!

This project is the “break” I need to get a DIY cloud sensor off the ground.

Clear Skies,

Hi everyone,

did the code work seamlessly for you?
I can’t even compile it in the Arduino IDE. It’s just a slew of different error messages.

Best Regards

Yes, no problem on the code for me.

What version of the program and library files did you use? And when did you try compiling it last?

I just get multiple definition errors, basically for all i2c-library related commands.

Did you also follow this “workflow”:

  1. Get the files from the GitHub repository that contains the sketch: GitHub - hjd1964/CloudSensorEvoPlus: Cloud and rain sensor for Arduino 3

  2. Click the Code button on that page.

  3. Select “Download ZIP” from the dropdown menu.

  4. Unzip the downloaded file.

  5. Rename the unzipped folder from “CloudSensorEvoPlus-master” to “CloudSensorEvoPlus”.

  6. Open the sketch in the “CloudSensorEvoPlus” in the Arduino IDE.

  7. Open the last good archived copy of the website:
    Peter Fleury Online: AVR Software 3

  8. Click the “” link to download the library.

  9. Select Sketch > Include Library > Add ZIP Library… from the Arduino IDE menus.

  10. Select the downloaded file (“”).

  11. Click the Open button.

  12. Compile the “CloudSensorEvoPlus” sketch