Arp 273 "cosmic rose"

This was a very challenging target. Arp 273 is barely 2 arcmin in apparent size and close to 14th magnitude. Pleasantly surprised at the degree of resolution I was able to get.
Capture info:
Location: SkyPi Remote Observatory, Pie Town NM US
Telescope: Officina Stellare RiDK 400mm
Camera: QHY 600M
Data: LRGB 9.5, 7.5, 4.5, 5 hours respectively. Binning 2x2. Image scale 0.56 arcsec/ pixel

This image is featured on today’s APOD (January 9,2025)

Thanks for looking!


Congratulations for the image and for the APOD pubblication. This is an incredible image.

Thanks for using Voyager.

All the best

Thanks Leo! And thank you for Voyager. I am very grateful for this program and I really appreciate all your efforts.
Best regards,

superb work David !!! and congrats on yet another APOD

Thanks very much! I really appreciate it.
Best regards,