
I have integrated the ASCOM.EAGLE.ObservingConditions. When and where is the value used or displayed? Can it be integrated into the dashboard? Thanks Enrico

You must look at Viking:

Voyager manage the I/O cards or devices with Viking included the Eagle devices.

Otherwise for observing conditions using the PrimaLuceLab ASCOM driver for this kind of device directly in Voyager:

All the best

Many Thanks. The question is: Where can I see the SQM value in the dashboard or somewhere else. Where is this used or can it be accessed?

I suggest you view the wiki regarding the link indicated:

And in general to carry out dedicated searches in our wiki with the internal search engine.

I entered the Eagle Web Server under http://localhost:1380 and it works (test with http://localhost:1380/geteye?idx=0 >> {“result”:“OK”,“value”:40.77} ) . But when I press Eye Read Test I get the error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The file or assembly “Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed” or a dependency of it was not found. The system can not find the stated file.
Filename: “Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed”
at ASCOM.EAGLE.ObservingConditions.JsonParser(String json)
at ASCOM.EAGLE.ObservingConditions.get_SkyQuality()
at ASCOM.EAGLE.SetupDialogForm.bt_CheckSQ_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Does anyone know the problem?

This is a problem of the ASCOM driver you are using made by PrimaLuceLab.
I suggest you to reach their support.

All the best

I have it working here. I have Observing conditions set to ASCOM Observing Open Weather conditions set to my location and under SQM choose Ascom again and Select Eagle PLL Observing conditions. On the observing conditions screenlet you should now see the correct readout of the Eye SQM.

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Thank you very much - I had to install the driver 1.3. Now it’s working.

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I’ve informed about your problem the PrimaLuceLab. They report problem with old drivers.
Happy you have solved.

All the best

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