[Daily Build] Voyager 2.2.8a version ready [New parametric Exposure for Dark/DarkFlat]

Ready to download the daily build 2.2.8a of Voyager:

NEW=> Modified Exposure Block of DragScript to get the exposure time from a decimal variable (useful for creating, for example, dark / dark flat on variable times or parametric), in case of use of variable, in the file name the exposure time will added to better identify
NEW => Custom Array -> Guide calibration management has been added for guided poses
NEW => Custom Array -> Help management for guided poses has been added
NEW => Custom Array -> Dithering management for guided poses has been added
NEW => Custom Array -> The basic guide watchdog management for guided poses has been added

NEW=> Modificato Blocco Esposizione del DragScript per prendere il tempo di esposizione da una variabile (utile per creare ad esempio dark/dark flat su tempi variabili), in caso di utilizzo di variabile nel nome del file viene aggiunto il tempo impiegato
NEW => Custom Array -> E’ stata aggiunta la gestione della Calibrazione della Guida per le pose guidate
NEW => Custom Array -> E’ stata aggiunta la gestione della Guida per le pose guidate
NEW => Custom Array -> E’ stata aggiunta la gestione del Dithering per le pose guidate
NEW => Custom Array -> E’ stata aggiunta la gestione dei watchdog di guida base per le pose guidate

Daily Build is declared potentially unstable … download the last official release version to come back.


An example of use of new parametric exposure based on decimal variable (Flat Dark with parametric series):

1   - 	Start: Events At Start are ENABLE
2   - 	Script
3   - 		Decimal Number: darktime - Init Value = 0
4   - 		Block: DarkExposure
5   - 			Block: Series 10 Dark
6   - 				Expose: Filter [4] HA - Expose Use Variable darktime - Bin 1 - Full Frame - Dark - DarkScaled - [CMOS Gain=0 Offset=0]
7   - 				Wait Time: 00:00:01 [hh:mm:ss] Interval
8   - 				Repeat Block For n Times: 10
9   - 			Update Decimal Number: darktime - Offset by 0,2
10  - 			DO IF DECIMAL VALUE: darktime is Lower or Equal to 2
11  - 				Goto Block: DarkExposure
12  - 	End
13  - 	Events

This DragScript take a series of 10 dark starting from 0 to 2 seconds with increment between dark of 0.2 second.

10 dark at 0s
10 dark at 0.2s
10 dark at 0.4s
10 dark at 0.6s
10 dark at 1.8s
10 dark at 2s

Editing the repeat times and the initial value of darktime variable and the DO IF control value you are able to create your own parametric dark …

FlatDarkOrDarkScaledTest.vos (13.3 KB)