[Daily Build] Voyager 2.2.8h version ready

Ready to download the daily build 2.2.8h of Voyager:


'[MOSAIC SECTION] => NEW => It is now possible to import the panels created in Dashboard with Virtual FOV into the Mosaics project in the Mosaics Research Survey Section with a single click
'[CUSTOM ARRAY] => NEW => Custom Array -> Added possibility of not use autofocus in the Sequence
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => NEW => Added ability to temporarily disable individual panels / elements of targets in the Mosaic-Research and Survey Sequence
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => NEW => Added possibility to permanently remove individual panels / elements of targets in the Mosaic-Research and Survey Sequence
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => NEW => Added data refresh to altitude video and set / rise of targets in the Mosaic-Research and Survey section during the execution of the single sequence
'[MOSAIC SECTION] => MOD => The Research and Survey section has been renamed adding the word Mosaic, the icon has also been changed to highlight the change. The possibility of managing the mosaics using this section has been emphasized
'[CUSTOM ARRAY] => MOD => Custom Array -> Optimization of Offset Filters management passing by Filters Default in Start Sequence, Meridian Flip and Realign
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => BUG => In the Mosaic-Research and Survey Sequence the calibration of the guide was always activated for each target in some configurations
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => BUG => In the Mosaic-Research and Survey Sequence, in the case of selecting the guide without calibration, an execution error was generated which caused all subsequent elements to skip all the way to the first in the opposite meridian


‘[MOSAIC SECTION] => NEW => E’ ora possibile importare nel progetto dei Mosaici nella Sezione Mosaici i pannelli creati in Dashboard con Virtual FOV con un solo click
'[CUSTOM ARRAY] => NEW => Custom Array -> Aggiunta possibilità di non effettuare il Fuoco nella Sequenza
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => NEW => Aggiunta possibilità di disabilitare temporaneamente i singoli pannelli/elementi dei target nella Sequenza di Mosaic-Research and Survey
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => NEW => Aggiunta possibilità di rimuovere in modo definitivo i singoli pannelli/elementi dei target nella Sequenza di Mosaic-Research and Survey
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => NEW => Aggiunto refresh dati a video di altitudine e set/rise dei target nella sezione di Mosaic-Research and Survey durante l’esecuzione della singola sequenza
‘[MOSAIC SECTION] => MOD => La sezione Research and Survey è stata rinominata aggiungendo la parola Mosaico, è stata anche cambiata l’icona per evidenziare il cambio. E’ stata enfatizzata la possibilità di gestire i Mosaici usando questa sezione
'[CUSTOM ARRAY] => MOD => Custom Array -> Introdotte ottimizzazioni Getione Offset Filtri Default in Inizio Sequenza, Meridian Flip e Realign
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => BUG => Nella Sequenza di Mosaic-Research and Survey veniva sempre attivata la calibrazione della guida per ogni target in alcune configurazioni
'[RESEARCH SURVEY MOSAIC] => BUG => Nella Sequenza di Mosaic-Research and Survey in caso di seleziona della guida senza calibrazione veniva generato un errore d’esecuzione che faceva skippare tutti gli elementi successivi sino al primo nel meridiano opposto

Daily Build is declared potentially unstable … download the last official release version to come back.


To everybody, we really hope you are enjoy our big effort to give you the maximum of Voyager developing with a lot of new things. We know pratically all of you are in isolation like us due to the virus emergency. So continue to support Voyager and spread words about if you like it… for us is really important.

Stay safe and if you can enjoy Voyager under a nice starry sky.
Voyager staff


You and Francesco are doing amazing things with Voyager, and it is very exciting. I will continue to tell everyone I can about your great software.



Fantastic work, super useful features in this release.

Thank you very much !!



Will you be releasing a demo video to help us use the mosaic features?

Francesco are working on video about. In a couple of day will be out

All the best

Thanks Leo, stay safe.

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Hi guys, here the video:
