[Daily Build] Voyager 2.3.10b version ready

Ready to download the daily build 2.3.10b of Voyager



NEW => DragScript → Added the ability to indicate Voyager Environment and User Variables in the call arguments of the External Script block (Only for those who have the Voyager developer plugin active)

NEW => DragScript → Added new Variables management block to insert the Unix GMT timestamp in seconds into a DragScript Decimal variable

NEW => TheSky64 → Added flag in Setup → Voyager → External Processing Starting , to start TheSky64 in case it does not start by itself when one of the Voyager controls points to one of the TheSky64 controls during setup connection

NEW => DragScript → Added new Conditional block DO IF PIER SIDE to decide to perform operations based on the pier side of the mount

Thanks to everyone have contributed to this daily build with their test and report.

Daily Build is declared potentially unstable … download the last official release version to rollback

All the best

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