[Daily Build] Voyager 2.3.1f version ready

Ready to download the daily build 2.3.1f of Voyager:

NEW => FIT → Added optional parameter in configuration (Setup-> Camera-> Various) to remove personal data from FIT Headers (SITELAT, SITELONG, OWNER, SWOWNER, OBSERVER)

NEW => FITVIewer → Added optional parameter in the settings to save the STF stretch in JPG format of the last FIT opened automatically by the Viewer. You can select the folder in which to save the JPG. The fixed name is LastSTFAutoOpenImage.jpg

MOD => DragScript → During the execution of the Repeat Block for N Times the current repetition number is now highlighted together with the total number of repetitions requested

MOD => Changed the method of connection to the socket of the Voyager Application Server to asynchronous to avoid dead lock of the FITViewer connections in case of absence of Voyager

Thanks to everyone have contributed to this daily build with their test and report.

All the best


Thanks a lot Leonardo! I’ve been waiting for these useful features.
Best regards,

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