[Daily Build] Voyager 2.3.5v version ready

Ready to download the daily build 2.3.5v of Voyager:

NEW => RoboTarget → Added MAC Key Management for APIs with NDA

NEW => RoboTarget → Added NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotDoneBySetList Command

NEW => RoboTarget → Added NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotDoneSinceList Command

NEW => Safety Monitor → Added possibility of string recognition for textual driver in CONTAINED, START WITH, EXACT MATCH mode

NEW => RoboTarget → Added Command NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotJpg

NEW => Application Server → Added TIUTC parameter to the ControlData event indicating the current date and time in UTC format

NEW => RoboTarget → Added TAG string management for Target and Set

NEW => RoboTarget → File Patterns → Added three new patterns $$RT_SET_NAME$$, $$RT_SET_TAG$$, $$RT_TARGET_TAG$$

NEW => RoboTarget → Added the ability to finish the current shot even if the time for the target is over. New flag added to RoboTarget Manager target management

NEW => Application Server → Added WeatherAndSafetyMonitorData event every 30s with indication of the Weather Control and Safety Monitor Control connection status and Weather data (CLOUD, RAIN, LIGHT, WIND) and SAFE / UNSAFE

NEW => RoboTarget → Added DateTime UTC to the historical shots

NEW => Application Server → Added UTC field to NDA commands related to the Shot Done request

NEW => RoboTarget → Added management of Remote Cache JPG preview images to optimize data distribution times to Clients. Maximum default value 4GB

NEW => RoboTarget Manager → Added remote JPG viewer with file download and configurable Local Cache mechanism to optimize requests. Maximum default value 4GB

NEW => RoboTarget Manager → Added possibility to Delete & Restore Shot Done directly from the JPG Viewer

NEW => RoboTarget Manager → Added ability to perform Shot Done Rating directly from the JPG Viewer

NEW => RoboTarget → Added SinceUTC parameter to NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotDoneSinceList command for search with UTC date

MOD => Camera-> Flow rate the minimum temperature selectable for cooling at -274 ° C for the camera for scientific research

BUG => RoboTarget Manager → Time Start and Time End constraints were not saved correctly

BUG => RoboTarget → An Orphaned Set / Target warning was reported when running RoboTarget, even if not true

BUG => Viking → Typo text error in Viking #1 client disconnection error, client with ID #2 was incorrectly reported

Thanks to everyone have contributed to this daily build with their test and report.

Daily Build is declared potentially unstable … download the last official release version to rollback

All the best