Hello Leonardo,
one more feature request for DragScript: I miss a feature that allows to copy or move the logfiles of the current script run (or the current date) to another location than the standard logfile folder.
Background: I want to keep the logfile of the night together with the data of the night to transfer it as a complete paket via rsync and archive it. I want to do that without manual intervention. Unfortunately the logfile is in a location different from the data. To copy it via external script is a bad solution since the script would need some sophisticated date logic to pick the right logfile that belongs to the specific night. The DragScript run should know the name of the logfile and should easily be able to make a copy to a subfolder of the specified sequence path (or a path by choice). So, at the end of the DragScript such a command could join the logs with the data. Would that make sense to you?
Or is there already a feature to do that which I just missed?