Dragscript for setting target priority

I’m wondering if there may be a dragscript that could be used in the Robotarget dragscript to determine the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., targets on a priority basis similar to the advanced scheduler in Robotarget? I am just familiarising myself with the Robotarget dragscript and can enter targets manually but that requires having to look up and choose the order of priority. I haven’t seen anything as yet that is similar to the advanced sheduler or if it is even possible.

Any guidance would be most welcome.


Hi Gord,

Are you already using Voyager Advanced and wondering how to get scheduling capability in a DragScript?



Hi Glenn,

That’s right. I am using Voyager Advanced and am trying to see if there is a scheduler dragscript similar to the advanced scheduler in RoboTarget. The advanced scheduler automatically prioritizes the targets for an evening session. Using a modified RoboTarget dragscript I can successfully run my targets etc., but I have to manually choose the order of the targets. I’m learning more and more about just how powerful dragscripts can be.



Hi Gord,

I’m not aware of a way to do that with a DragScript. Leo would probably say that’s the job of the advanced scheduler.

I’m curious about what you mean by manually controlling what RoboTarget prioritizes. You mean by entering only the one or two targets you are interested in, or by using constraints?

