I have a test script which simply turns on Tracking, runs a sequence, waits 10 seconds and then turns off tracking. I created the sequence in “OnTheFly” and it executes okay if I run it there. But if I execute the script this is what I get:

08:32:00 718 - Instruction [5]=> IF OK
08:32:00 749 - Instruction [6]=> Sequence: Start and End from Sequence - C:\Users\OEM.DESKTOP-OGQ92J9\Documents\Voyager\ConfigSequence\XX Pup.s2q
08:32:00 796 - Run Action => Sequence: Start and End from Sequence - C:\Users\OEM.DESKTOP-OGQ92J9\Documents\Voyager\ConfigSequence\XX Pup.s2q
08:32:00 796 - Sequence
08:32:00 796 - ERROR (INIT DATA) Sequence : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
08:32:00 843 - Instruction [7]=> Remark: Wait 10 seconds
08:32:00 905 - Instruction [8]=> Wait Time: 00:00:10 [hh:mm:ss] Interval

Is there something I need to do to initialize the sequence when running the script?


Hi Craig , setup is connected ? Error seems from a try to use a control resource not initialized. Please send log, script, sequence to support mail. I can tell you about and put a better error description in voyager fif is possible.

I will do that,


Hi Craig,

you have found a hidden bug … your sequence is without pratically lot of options. You have choose in DragScript to use Time start and Time end from Sequence and choose a flag to finish the exposure if running in case of time end reached. In dragscript during InitData there’s a options transfer to block and i this case found null reference to time end class because you dont set it.

I fixed it and released a Daily Build 2.1.1m, due to late hour in Italy i just put the download. tomorrow (for me) i pubblish a regular post about:

Sorry for the problem, i try to preventing all but sometimes i’m fail.
Thanks, let me know if this solve (i tested and work).

All the best


Excellent work Leo, I will try it here and let you know if there is still a problem.

I like to start off very simple when learning new software to make sure I do understand the basics. Like building a house, if you don’t have a good foundation, the rest of the house will fall. So doing simple things at the beginning helps me to understand the basics from which I can then add on the more complex tasks.


Working perfect now … thanks Leo.

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