[Feature Request] Automatically load PA from Roboclip when creating Array Sequence

Our job is to keep Leonardo busy so here is another one :slight_smile:

When creating the Array sequence, I’d love to have it automatically load the PA from Roboclip. This is currently handled in single system without problem, but I wonder if it’s difficult at all to load that in Array Sequence as well. It would be really helpful so I won’t worry forgetting changing the PA manually.

Let me know if this makes sense.


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Hi Yizhou, you cannot do now because in Array the PA is Rotator PA, RoboClip Store Sky PA.
Transfer Rotator Management to Array is not easy but is on to-do list.

All the best

Ah I see. Interesting.

I do see this feature in single system Sequence configuration. Here on the upper right corner it will load the RoboClip PA, and seems like it allow you to select between Sky PA vs. Rotator PA. Is this what you are talking about?

Yes, “Rotation °” is just an angle … in the rotator tab the selection of “Rotation Type” determine which kind of angle is. RoboClip usually report a Sky PA if generated from the VirtualFOV in Web Dashboard. If you edited manually depends on your original meaning. Array works now only on terms of Rotator PA.


I came across this issue last night too. I found this morning that the Roboclip PA did not transfer to the Array Sequence PA. Is there any planned update to help Sky PA get translated to Rotator PA for Array?


Please read this, thank you. Put attention on editing the sequence. Is not possible to translate SKy PA to rotator PA. Are 2 completly different things. Array have sync on Rotator so you cannot use SkyPA.

All the best