Flip-Mask Dust Cover Automation with Voyager


I have been using Voyager for over a year and find it extremely useful for automating my observatory, telescopes, and imaging. I do have a request:

In the Flat-Device area can one add the feature of adding flip-mask telescope dust cover automation (open and close the flip-mask), i.e, I have the Optic Alnitak Remote Dust Cover (Optec has modified the Flip-Flat motor controller to allow a light-weight remote dust cover).

Thank You

Hi Jason,

thank you so much for using Voyager and for your words.
Probably I dont understand correctly, so sorry about, but you alread have the open/close command for the dust cover:

Please let me know if this is wht you asked.

All the best

I see now - thank you. My initial understanding that the Alnitak was only for the Flip-Flat (Flat light version). After I connected with the Alnitak Dust cover version -it all worked, I can open and close just fine.

Thank You

Wonderful Jason, thank you for feedaback.

All the best