Forum is now reversed to community mode

Like the object the forum is now in community hands.
@rockstarbill and @Diego_Colonnello are now the new admin

Hope this can repair to my decision that i repeat i must do to continue to working on Voyager development.
Live in peace and have fun with Voyager !

Someone of you are not registered if have done this in the last 30days … so sorry about.

Leonardo Orazi
A kind of Astrophotographer somewhere on the cloud :slight_smile:


Thank you Leo, I love Voyager and I am happy to help the community have a good home to share in the story of how we all can grow as imagers, take great images…

Three weeks without coding and only answering at silly questions is indeed a major problem. The “unofficial” forum is a great addition.

Just please keep the changelogs when relasing new updates, then… have a good summer! :upside_down_face:

AND, we are back!!! Thanks LEO

Welcome back forum, I’m here everyday to read experiences with Voyager, and “tricks and tips”…

I thought that I’ve lost you all for ever… :crazy_face:
Welcome back!


This is indeed good news. Thanks Leo! As for Bill and Diego, I’m sure everyone is most grateful for you both taking this on. Thank you, gentlemen.


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Many thanks Leo, Bill, and Diego for getting the forum back online. This place is the heart of the Voyager community. I’m glad it is here to come back home to!

Kind regards,


It was a bit depressing knowing the forum had closed so this is really wonderful news. I also totally agree that Leo shouldn’t feel obligated to answer every post, although it was impossible to fault the response time it was taking a heavy toll on his time - he did seem to be online all the time !

As the forum grows it will gain more experienced members and become an excellent knowledge base. It can never replace Leo but being a community based forum now has set the expectation of members which is no bad thing. More importantly it frees Leo’s time up to do what he’s passionate about and hopefully he’ll find time for a post or two when he sees fit.

I still can believe three weeks solid on the forum without coding :disappointed:

The forum is the essential glue holding the community together so many thanks to Leo, Bill, and Diego for getting us all running again it’s very much appreciated.



Happy to see this back up Thank you Leo, Bill, and Diego! :smile: