Generic extensible http client


I have a couple a Raspberry Pi with some I/O modules that I am controlling directly using Viking. In order the interact with Viking I am mocking the Denkovi web protocol, so basically the RPis present themselves as Denkovi DAEnetIP4 board.

It works perfectly, however not all the IO ports are available in the RPi and there are some RPI boards with far more ports than the Denkovi, so I like to request a generic protocol for controlling HTTP based IO cards.

For instance, Viking would retrieve the IO port definition at initialization, getting the data from:
This file will contain number and description of the IO ports

Then for IO control we can pass the control parameters and retrieve the board status in one call (similar to denkovi protocol):
/current_status.json?OutputX=(0:1)&PWMX=(0-255) etc

With this open protocol, it would be easy to properly support any IO card hooked to an RPi or similar board.

If you decide you move forward with this idea I will write and make open source a couple of webservers in python to fully control a PiFace IO module and Velleman P8055 IO board from an RPI.

If anyone is interested in connecting their RPI with Viking using the Denkovi protocol feel free to contact me.



All the cards in Viking are tested from me directly to avoid problems, no generic protocol. The only protocol inside Viking is the myhome because coming from a BYicino company worldwide and work with their products.

Viking was born to avoid generic driver !

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If reliability is a top priority it makes perfect sense to only add tested cards.

My idea was more in line with compatibility, for instance, to add a standard way to communicate with non-commercial or custom made IO solutions.



José Viking was born exactly for reliability so this is the reason of my answer.

For my point of view is better if you adopt a shield for RPI with all the things you need or a custom solution and that i can add like a new interface in the ones listed on VIking, after have tested all. The arduino card in Viking was exactly made in this way from a custom project.

This is my point of view.


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