I currently have two setups, both using OSC cameras, 2600mc & 2400mc. The 2600mc is paired with the Antila Dualband on Esprit 100 scope, and 2400mc with L-Extereme filter on 9.25Edge hd, both housed in EFW filter wheel as part of my automated setup.
For the 2600mc on Esprit, I have my base sequence setup to do LocalFiled focus for RGB and Robostar for Dualband. On the 2400mc with 9.25egeHD, I have both RGB and Dualband set to use Robostar focus.
I have my automation setup using Dragscript. For you all with similar setup, how do you handle focus shift in Robotarget for plate solving when your target changes from RGB to Dualband. In my settings, I have a Platesolving set to use the RGB.
Within Robotarget, lets say the target is changed from Dualband to RGB, is there a chance Platesolve will fail as the focuser position is at the Dualband position? Or does Voyager internally track the focus point between RGB and Narrowband for platesolving purpose?
Update: Thinking about these scenarios in my head, I think my question/curiosity is more when a target changes from Narrowband to RGB in Robotarget on a night for initial platesolve and in the case of my Esprit setup, going from Robotarget focus mode to localfield focus mode.
Also, what do you all do when setting the guide focus between RGB and Narrowband without having to manually change the focus on OAG?
Avoid different tickness filters … Voyager doesn’t support filter offset.
Plate solve usually work also out of focus, depends on which one you are using.
RoboStar focus handle better the out of focus starting position if you have this.
For Robotarget, create different base sequence where you select different set of filter for plate solving in the configuration.
Unfortunately, these two OSC cameras have a built-in UV/IR filter. I have not tried adding an addtional UV/IR filter in my EFW with same thickness as the dualband. Not sure if that is a good idea.
I currently have separate base sequences, but both plate solve using OSC (RGB mode) . Which works fine when the target switches from RGB to Narrowband. But I was wondering how that would work going from Dualband to RGB. Doing some manual testing, I did run into instances where plate solved failed due bit extreme out of focus star.
Will test to see how going from RGB to Dualband (and vice) works with alternate setting. (plate solve using the filter in use).
On my C9.25 Robostar has been working really good for me.
P.S I am using latest version of ASTAP for plate solving
Thanks Leo
create a profile for dual band and do not mix with RGB during RoboTarget.
I am not imaging both RGB and dual band on the same night but I have a separate profile for each with separate V curve data. I have had excellent results with focus (local field) and plate solve in this way using dual band filter even in light polluted sky.