05/08/2023 hours 23:30, from Osservatorio Forino
Mount: 10micron GM2000 HPS
Telescop: Celestron C14HD + Hyperstar
Camera : ASI2600MC sub 120x30s
Filtri: Optolong L-Extreme
Software: Voyager - AstroPixelProcessor - StarNet - PaintShop
The Sadr Region (also known as IC 1318 or the Gamma Cygni Nebula) is the diffuse emission nebula surrounding Sadr (γ Cygni) at the center of Cygnus’s cross, where the largest and most massive nebulae of our galaxy are concentrated.
Central in this image is the emission-reflection nebula IC 1318A It’s generally regarded to be around 5000 - 5500 light-years away from us, situated on the Nortwest part in the Cygnus constellation.
Proposed in two version, one without Stars
hope you like it