Voyager performed excellently well again for me while imaging The Ghost of Cassiopeia, IC63, from my back garden here in the UK on 14th,15th & 22nd October 2023. Total integration is about 8.6 hours. IC63 is a hydrogen gas cloud and reflection nebula about 550light years away lit and shaped by the bright blue star Gamma Cassiopeia which is just out of view at the bottom of the frame, this star outputs 34,000 times more energy than our sun! The field of view is 2 moon diameters across. William Optics 132mm FLT effective focal ratio f/5.6 with William Optics 0.8x reducer flattener, Atik 460ex mono CCD camera cooled to minus 15c, LRGB broadband filters in Starlight Xpress wheel, NEQ6 mount with StellarDrive modification, guider 60mm x 225mmfl, Altair Hypercam PROTEC 183 mono camera & PHD2. Processed using PixInsight only. Thank you again to the Voyager team.