I like to use filter offsets to maintain focus with narrowband filters instead of focusing in real time. I feel it works better for me, but I know it is not supported in Voyager. So, I made a drag script to automate filter offsets. The script:
- The goal is to create as efficient an image capture system as possible without sacrificing quality. Where I live, every second counts! The less the mount has to point around for focus and start and stop guiding the better, in terms of time spent collecting data.
- Is for a single target, imaged all night. It can be easily modified to run from a certain time to another and you can run multiple scripts per night if you want.
- You can choose which filters to run, exposure times, and how many times to run each filter per ‘cycle’
- One cycle is: Precise point, Focus using Localfield and L filter, Start guiding and dither immediately, Run user defined filter sequence with focus updating itself for each filter… repeat all night until dawn.
- Precise pointing at the start of each cycle creates an automatic meridian flip when needed
Please take a look and let me know if you see anything I did wrong. I ran the script last night and it worked very well. My questions:
- Do I need to first ‘Aquire guide star’ and then Start Guiding? Or can I just Start Guiding?
- Is there a way to create a decision based on the end of Astronomical night? Currently there is just a wait for the start of night, but no way to trigger events at the end of the night that I could figure out. In the script, the user defines the end of the night but I would like to automate that part
- Please let me know if you see places I can do things better/more efficiently
Thanks for looking! The script is available for anyone to use and modify as they choose. The attached script uses the NGC 7000 as the target.
StartToShutdownoffsets_NoAmNeb.vos (322.8 KB)