I have a problem with getting my MX+, TSX(ascom) and PHD2 to play nicely. I have had some suggestions on settings which will probably correct the issue (PHD2 looses the ability to guide after a meridian flip). However, Leonardo has suggested that it would be better practice to inject a guide recalibration on meridian flip.
Its already possible. Just check the Calibrate box in Sequence, Voyager will inject a guide calibration at meridian change.
OK thanks, i think I get this - checking “Calibrate” in the sequencer will automatically cause Voyager to recalibrate PHD2 after the meridian flip as well as at the beginning of the sequence.
So then, there will be no need to check the “reverse dec output after meridian flip” box in the PHD2 advanced settings, correct?
What about the “Auto-reverse X for GEMs” setting in the camera settings dialog in TSX ?
If you have the mount connected to TheSKyX and you have the “Auto-reverse X for GEMs” check in theskyx settings, just check it. Do not needed in Voyager.
All the best
I´ll get back latter with my setting, I have a PMX+ and I don’t need to recalibrate after meridian, FWIW Voyager works natively with the SkyX mount, no need for ASCOM, Voyager also works great with TSX autoguiding, it calibrates very fast.
Thanks Leonardo,
Last night I had 'reverse dec output after meridian flip” unchecked in the PHD2 advanced settings, and the “Auto-reverse X for GEMs” setting in the camera settings dialog in TSX also unchecked.
This looks like it worked perfectly. The meridian flip happened with no problem, PHD2 recalibrated and guiding continued with no issues.
This was an achievement for me, no software or hardware problems all night and 7 hours of images with none to discard ! Thanks for the great software Leonardo!
Thanks Jose,
I’m using PHD2 since it always seems to perform better than TSX autoguiding for me. I suspect that if I don’t want to take the time to recalibrate, checking "reverse dec output after meridian flip” in PHD2 and unchecking “Auto-reverse X for GEMs” in TSX would work as well.
Thanks and I’d appreciate knowing your settings,