Just introduced to Voyager

It looks very nice. Love the interface.
I have a couple issues.

When selecting camera (ascom) and looking in the drivers only my guide camera driver appears?
Not my imaging camera?

Also under focuser my focuslynx driver selection doesn’t show up?

My dome, connects but there is a roll off roof radio button selected. (I have a DOME)?

My plate solver and cloudwatcher and PHD integrated nicely. I’m using a ASI1600MMc
and ZWO filter wheel.

I have a nexdome, and AP mach1 mount. I’ve been using SGP but looking for something better.

Welcome Ron,

thanks. Answer to your questions. When you using ASCOM all the ASCOM Drivers related to camera will be listed. This feature is done directly from ASCOM utility code imported inside Voyager. All the camera … guide and imaging camera.

Also the driver for focuser … list coming from ASCOM code utility.

There isn’t DOME support in Voyager direct, just Roll Off … dome can be managed using Maxim or TheSyX like camera control.

SGP is probably the best around … Voyager have a different point of view. More automation and minus interactions.

All the best

thanks - Oddly the ascom listings aren’t complete. My focuser focuslynx does not appear nor does the ASI1600 (ZWO driver) that I use in my other programs like SGP. The only camera that shoes up is the lodestar guide camera. = (

Ron ASCOM driver list is the same for all programs SGP or Voyager.
If they have an ASCOM driver and is installed you see on the list, you can check with the ASCOM Profiler utility coming with the ASCOM environment. No native driver or dedicated driver (not ASCOM) will be listed if you choose ASCOM like camera or focuser control.

I just tested it and work fine your focuser.

Just be sure to understand Voyager is a system integrator and not a simple automation software like SGP.
For Voyager a control can be a ASCOM driver but also a program or a control suite like Maxim DL, TheSkyX, FocusMax … etc etc

In case of Autofocus you must before choose the Autofocus type (not the focuser) and if you choose a autofocus type like “ROBOFIRE” (internal autofocus system made in Voyager with AI) … this use ASCOM focuser and you have a button to choose the Focuser driver in ASCOM. IN other case the autofocus system is from a suite or external exe. In this cases the focuser must be setup in the remote application.

All the best