Merry Christmas

We would like to thank everyone and the customers who joined during 2021 Voyager family all around the World.

We are working hard for the release of the advanced version of Voyager which has already been running in beta in our remote observatories for several weeks.

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all from Voyager Staff :slight_smile:

During this time support may be slower than usual… Whatsapp service is always open for sure!

All the best
Voyager Staff


Also for you and your team the best wishes.


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Merry Christmas, Leonardo! I hope you get to enjoy time with your family.

Thanks for all you do. Looking forward to the release of the advanced version when it is ready.

Kind regards,


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Auguri Leonardo e famiglia. Buon Natale a tutti.


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Merry Christmas and clear skies all.

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