Missing items in FITS header?

Hi brains trust, first time user here - coming across from SGP.

I ran my first short sequence a few nights ago and I’m pretty pleased with the performance of the software. But when processing my files in Astro Pixel Processor I noticed that APP wasn’t able to determine the gain of my lights. SGP writes the gain in the FITS header under “GAIN”. Voyager didn’t record this - is it meant to? Is there a way I can force it in?

Two FITS headers are below: first the Voyager one, then an SGP one.

NAXIS1 = 4656
NAXIS2 = 3520
BZERO = 32768.00
BSCALE = 1.00
DATE-OBS= ‘2023-01-14T13:43:53’ / Start of exposure
UTC = ‘UTC’ / Time Scale
OBJECT = ‘hip 27186’ / Target Name
OBJCTRA = ‘05 45 49.060’ / J2000 telescope RA
OBJCTDEC= ‘-67 52 05.03’ / J2000 telescope DEC
XBINNING= 1 / Binning factor in width
YBINNING= 1 / Binning factor in height
XPIXSZ = 3.80 / Pixel Width in microns (after binning)
YPIXSZ = 3.80 / Pixel Width In microns (after binning)
FOCALLEN= 560.00 / Focal length Of telescope In mm
OBSERVER= ’ Bill Stent’
AIRMASS = 1.17 / Airmass calculated
SITELAT = ‘-37 47 22’ / Latitude of the imaging location
SITELONG= ‘145 03 41’ / Longitude of the imaging location
OBJCTALT= ‘58 00 27’
OBJCTAZ = ‘193 49 09’
READOUTM= ‘Default’ / Readout mode of image
FOCUSPOS= 46882.00 / Focuser position
FOCUSTEM= 0.00 / Focuser temperature
EXPTIME = 300.00 / Exposure time in seconds
EXPOSURE= 300.00 / Exposure time in seconds
SET-TEMP= -5.00 / CCD temperature setpoint in C
CCD-TEMP= -5.00 / CCD temperature at start of exposure in C
XORGSUBF= 0 / Subframe X position in binned pixels
YORGSUBF= 0 / Subframe Y position in binned pixels
FILTER = ‘Ha’ / Filter used when taking image
SWCREATE= ‘Voyager Release 2.3.7 - Built 2022-12-16’ / Name of software
SBSTDVER= ‘SBFITSEXT Version 1.0’ / Version of SBFITSEXT standard in effect
INSTRUME= ‘ASI Camera (2)’
SWOWNER = ’ Bill Stent’
IMAGETYP= ‘Light Frame’
DATE = ‘2023-01-15’ / File creation date

SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 4944 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 3284 / length of data axis 2
BZERO = 32768 / offset and data range to that of unsigned short
BSCALE = 1 / default scaling factor
CRPIX1 = 2472 / reference spectrum pixel coordinate for axis 1
CRPIX2 = 1642 / reference spectrum pixel coordinate for axis 2
CTYPE1 = ‘RA—TAN’ / standard system and projection
CTYPE2 = ‘DEC–TAN’ / standard system and projection
OBJECT = 'ngc292 ’ / Object name
DATE-LOC= ‘2021-11-01T22:47:29.7131235’ / Local observation date
DATE-OBS= ‘2021-11-01T11:47:29.7131235’ / UTC observation date
IMAGETYP= 'LIGHT ’ / Type of frame
CREATOR = ‘Sequence Generator Pro v3.1.0.478’ / Capture software
INSTRUME= ‘ASI Camera (1)’ / Instrument name
FOCUSER = ‘Pegasus Astro Focus Controller’ / Focuser name
FOCPOS = 4380 / Absolute focuser position
FOCTEMP = 0 / Focuser temperature
EXPOSURE= 30 / Exposure time in seconds
CCD-TEMP= -14.8 / Camera cooler temperature
SET-TEMP= -15 / Camera cooler target temperature
XBINNING= 1 / Camera X Bin
CCDXBIN = 1 / Camera X Bin
YBINNING= 1 / Camera Y Bin
CCDYBIN = 1 / Camera Y Bin
XPIXSZ = 4.78 / Pixel Width in microns (with binning)
YPIXSZ = 4.78 / Pixel Height in microns (with binning)
TELESCOP= ‘iOptron CEM120/70/40/26, GEM45/28 Mount’ / Telescope name
RA = 13.1517014799419 / Object Right Ascension in degrees
DEC = -72.9542382581198 / Object Declination in degrees
CRVAL1 = 13.1517014799419 / RA at image center in degrees
CRVAL2 = -72.9542382581198 / DEC at image center in degrees
OBJCTRA = ‘00 52 36.408’ / Object Right Ascension in hms
OBJCTDEC= ‘-72 57 15.258’ / Object Declination in degrees
AIRMASS = 1.22725536629601 / Average airmass
OBJCTALT= 54.5773301196971 / Altitude of the object
CENTALT = 54.5773301196971 / Altitude of the object
FOCALLEN= 560 / The focal length of the telescope in mm
FLIPPED = F / Is image flipped
ANGLE = 91.46 / Image angle
SCALE = 1.407475 / Image scale (arcsec / pixel)
PIXSCALE= 1.407475 / Image scale (arcsec / pixel)
GAIN = 90 / Camera gain
EGAIN = 1.00057375431061 / Electrons Per ADU

This is a little part of the so many FIT Headers saved by Voyager.
Probably you have not used a CMOS ASCOM Driver or Native Driver like camera control in Voyager.
Voyager cannot get informations you asked if the camera control selected isn’t the right one.


After this you can also use the gain, offset etc on the file name if you want:

All the best

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I’ll check my drivers. I’m using an ASI1600MM-P and I think I’m using the ASI Native Driver V2. Gain was set to 139 (unity). But I’ll check it (my MeLE is with my scope and in my garage now).

Thanks for the help!