Hi brains trust, first time user here - coming across from SGP.
I ran my first short sequence a few nights ago and I’m pretty pleased with the performance of the software. But when processing my files in Astro Pixel Processor I noticed that APP wasn’t able to determine the gain of my lights. SGP writes the gain in the FITS header under “GAIN”. Voyager didn’t record this - is it meant to? Is there a way I can force it in?
Two FITS headers are below: first the Voyager one, then an SGP one.
NAXIS1 = 4656
NAXIS2 = 3520
BZERO = 32768.00
BSCALE = 1.00
DATE-OBS= ‘2023-01-14T13:43:53’ / Start of exposure
UTC = ‘UTC’ / Time Scale
OBJECT = ‘hip 27186’ / Target Name
OBJCTRA = ‘05 45 49.060’ / J2000 telescope RA
OBJCTDEC= ‘-67 52 05.03’ / J2000 telescope DEC
XBINNING= 1 / Binning factor in width
YBINNING= 1 / Binning factor in height
XPIXSZ = 3.80 / Pixel Width in microns (after binning)
YPIXSZ = 3.80 / Pixel Width In microns (after binning)
FOCALLEN= 560.00 / Focal length Of telescope In mm
OBSERVER= ’ Bill Stent’
AIRMASS = 1.17 / Airmass calculated
SITELAT = ‘-37 47 22’ / Latitude of the imaging location
SITELONG= ‘145 03 41’ / Longitude of the imaging location
OBJCTALT= ‘58 00 27’
OBJCTAZ = ‘193 49 09’
READOUTM= ‘Default’ / Readout mode of image
FOCUSPOS= 46882.00 / Focuser position
FOCUSTEM= 0.00 / Focuser temperature
EXPTIME = 300.00 / Exposure time in seconds
EXPOSURE= 300.00 / Exposure time in seconds
SET-TEMP= -5.00 / CCD temperature setpoint in C
CCD-TEMP= -5.00 / CCD temperature at start of exposure in C
XORGSUBF= 0 / Subframe X position in binned pixels
YORGSUBF= 0 / Subframe Y position in binned pixels
FILTER = ‘Ha’ / Filter used when taking image
SWCREATE= ‘Voyager Release 2.3.7 - Built 2022-12-16’ / Name of software
SBSTDVER= ‘SBFITSEXT Version 1.0’ / Version of SBFITSEXT standard in effect
INSTRUME= ‘ASI Camera (2)’
SWOWNER = ’ Bill Stent’
IMAGETYP= ‘Light Frame’
DATE = ‘2023-01-15’ / File creation date
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 4944 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 3284 / length of data axis 2
BZERO = 32768 / offset and data range to that of unsigned short
BSCALE = 1 / default scaling factor
CRPIX1 = 2472 / reference spectrum pixel coordinate for axis 1
CRPIX2 = 1642 / reference spectrum pixel coordinate for axis 2
CTYPE1 = ‘RA—TAN’ / standard system and projection
CTYPE2 = ‘DEC–TAN’ / standard system and projection
OBJECT = 'ngc292 ’ / Object name
DATE-LOC= ‘2021-11-01T22:47:29.7131235’ / Local observation date
DATE-OBS= ‘2021-11-01T11:47:29.7131235’ / UTC observation date
IMAGETYP= 'LIGHT ’ / Type of frame
CREATOR = ‘Sequence Generator Pro v3.1.0.478’ / Capture software
INSTRUME= ‘ASI Camera (1)’ / Instrument name
FOCUSER = ‘Pegasus Astro Focus Controller’ / Focuser name
FOCPOS = 4380 / Absolute focuser position
FOCTEMP = 0 / Focuser temperature
EXPOSURE= 30 / Exposure time in seconds
CCD-TEMP= -14.8 / Camera cooler temperature
SET-TEMP= -15 / Camera cooler target temperature
XBINNING= 1 / Camera X Bin
CCDXBIN = 1 / Camera X Bin
YBINNING= 1 / Camera Y Bin
CCDYBIN = 1 / Camera Y Bin
XPIXSZ = 4.78 / Pixel Width in microns (with binning)
YPIXSZ = 4.78 / Pixel Height in microns (with binning)
TELESCOP= ‘iOptron CEM120/70/40/26, GEM45/28 Mount’ / Telescope name
RA = 13.1517014799419 / Object Right Ascension in degrees
DEC = -72.9542382581198 / Object Declination in degrees
CRVAL1 = 13.1517014799419 / RA at image center in degrees
CRVAL2 = -72.9542382581198 / DEC at image center in degrees
OBJCTRA = ‘00 52 36.408’ / Object Right Ascension in hms
OBJCTDEC= ‘-72 57 15.258’ / Object Declination in degrees
AIRMASS = 1.22725536629601 / Average airmass
OBJCTALT= 54.5773301196971 / Altitude of the object
CENTALT = 54.5773301196971 / Altitude of the object
FOCALLEN= 560 / The focal length of the telescope in mm
FLIPPED = F / Is image flipped
ANGLE = 91.46 / Image angle
SCALE = 1.407475 / Image scale (arcsec / pixel)
PIXSCALE= 1.407475 / Image scale (arcsec / pixel)
GAIN = 90 / Camera gain
EGAIN = 1.00057375431061 / Electrons Per ADU