Moravian C3-61000 Pro ... just arrived!

Just arrived on my table ! Direct driver in development …

Attached some pictures about … this is really a great piece of camera. Well engineered and with robust firmware and software … this is my 4th Moravian and I’m really happy about. Something to think if you need a new camera. Quality level is really high.

Thanks to Pavel Cagas at Moravian CCD Inst and to Tecnosky.


Thanks Valerio,

I hope in the next moon … if weather will be collaborative !

All the best

Sweat! Looking forward to see some results.

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Congratulations, Leo. Looks like a nice one.

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Very cool! Glad to hear about more camera options and more native drivers!

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They look like a really nicely engineered camera. And nice to see tilt correction designed in to it.

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I want this camera! I like my ASI6200, but it’s missing a shutter and mechanically seems poorly thought through by comparison to the Moravian. Can’t wait to see some data!

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First Light from Moravian C3-61000 Pro. Nothing to fight with sensor tilt, calibration problems, flat correction reliability … etc etc FIT as is no crop high stretch from 20 x 300s Luminance bin1 gain 1 - FSQ 106EDX - Old Baader filters. Calibrated with 7 sky flat, 18 bias, 18 dark on CCDStack.

This is a wonderful camera if you want something more performant and professional ! Congratulations to Moravian CMOS & CCD cameras !


Looks great Leo!!

I see this is on the FSQ! Very cool. Looks like you have a nice copy of that.

It’s the 3rd … in 15 years to get a good one !
Other brands cameras do not square it :wink:

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Yeah finding good IMX455 camera builds can be difficult. Great to see the Moravian is performing well. Someday I will get one of their cameras.

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Gorgeous image Leo, congrats on the new camera.

Every time I see a monochrome image I think how beautiful they are, then I forget to try to shoot some myself :slight_smile: !

Cheers and Happy New Year’s Eve,

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First deep try with the new camera during advanced testing … Sum of 25x600s Luminance. I would have killed to have such a camera in my day !! This was a subject to be cataloged for the IFN in the Ursa Major, MW catalog 12 years ago. Now with this camera it looks like a normal emission nebula …


Spectactular image Leo, congratulations!

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Sono contento di questo tuo acquisto, sono molto più contento di questa tua impressione sul Cmos Moravian. Grazie di questo tuo post, mi sarà utile.

Hi Leo, great camera indeed!
The manual mention that wide variety of gain settings can be used, but it seems i can’t find a way
to use any other gain but default Gain 0.
Will direct driver solve that? You mentioned that it’s in development.


Hi Sergio,

the camera control to use for this kind of Camera in Voyager is this one:

ASCOM driver of Moravian work perfectly and efficently, is not needed a direct driver like for asian brands.

All the best

Hi Leo,

yes, that is what i use, but in sequence I have no option to set other gain than the default 0.
Maybe i missing something?

This means you are not using the Control I mentioned in the previous messagge.

Select this camera control in Voyager.

All the best

Thank you , Leo, that solved it.

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