Hello Advanced-Community,
it’s about the reporting features in Advanced:
Beside the existing PDF report created by RoboTarget it would be nice and very helpful if the CSV file export feature could be enhanced and extended.
If I think about Voyager Advanced as the “autonomous imaging machine” which it is designed to be, more or less, it can generate hundreds of pictuces per month under good conditions.
Hard to keep track of what is on drive.
The PDF report is very cool but has one big disadvantage: it cannot be queried. I would appreciate to see a feature that allows to automatically export the CSV list of a RoboTarget run and - more important - to allow creation of CSV exports on a more general level (per target, per RoboTarget run, for a given time frame). In a first step it would be very helpful to implement CSV export for “runs of last 30 days”. That would allow to create a spreadsheet on a monthly or yearly basis to be queried and to keep track of what what is already processed.
Additionally it would be nice to make that underlying database even more functional and let autoflat sequence add entries there. That would allow to later associate lights with flats and search for “closest sky flats with same filter and same position angle” (and other things like that).
In the long run:
What I have always dreamed of is some kind of an “observation database” that holds everything I’ve captured in the past without keeping track of it manually. Ideally based on the FITS header keywords. That would be, of course, a project of its own, but from my perspective a USP on the market. With RoboTarget which I’m currently getting familiar with it seems to go a bit in that direction. Or a least it could.
Regards, Mathias