Multitargeting with Voyager

Multitargeting is very easy with Voyager, you need to use the DragScript to own it.
Not needed a supermega script with variables and mega check … just few line, no code to write … just drag & Drop using mouse…

First simple script multitargeting with slot time (time to create 1 minute) SImplestMultitarget.vos (10.0 KB):

1   - 	Start: Events At Start are ENABLE
2   - 	Script
3   - 		Sequence: Start 21:30:00 [hh:mm:ss] - End 01:10:00 [hh:mm:ss] - C:\Users\leonardo\Documents\Voyager\ConfigSequence\M100L.s2q
4   - 		Sequence: Start 01:10:00 [hh:mm:ss] - End 03:45:00 [hh:mm:ss] - C:\Users\leonardo\Documents\Voyager\ConfigSequence\LBN438_Col.s2q
5   - 		Sequence: Start 03:45:00 [hh:mm:ss] - End 05:50:00 [hh:mm:ss] - C:\Users\leonardo\Documents\Voyager\ConfigSequence\NGC2170_L.s2q
6   - 	End
7   - 	Events

Second Script same multitargeting with slot time and error management to repeat action (time to create 3 minute) SImplestMultitargetWithErrorManagement.vos (20.2 KB)

1   - 	Start: Events At Start are ENABLE
2   - 	Script
3   - 		Block: TARGET A
4   - 			Sequence: Start 21:30:00 [hh:mm:ss] - End 01:10:00 [hh:mm:ss] - C:\Users\leonardo\Documents\Voyager\ConfigSequence\M100L.s2q
5   - 				IF OK
6   - 					Goto Block: TARGET B
7   - 			Repeat Current Block Until Time: 01:10:00
8   - 		Block: TARGET B
9   - 			Sequence: Start 01:10:00 [hh:mm:ss] - End 03:45:00 [hh:mm:ss] - C:\Users\leonardo\Documents\Voyager\ConfigSequence\LBN438_Col.s2q
10  - 				IF OK
11  - 					Goto Block: TARGET C
12  - 			Repeat Current Block Until Time: 03:45:00
13  - 		Block: TARGET C
14  - 			Sequence: Start 03:45:00 [hh:mm:ss] - End 05:50:00 [hh:mm:ss] - C:\Users\leonardo\Documents\Voyager\ConfigSequence\NGC2170_L.s2q
15  - 				IF OK
16  - 					Goto End
17  - 			Repeat Current Block Until Time: 05:50:00
18  - 	End
19  - 	Events

Error Management is usefull if you have trouble with setup, cloud passing and you dont have weather system or similar problems. Voyager restart the sequence for you until the time you asked. Usually the best pratice is to equal the repeat until time to the finish sequence time.

Other nights just change target and timing if you need and use save as options.
Best pratice add your opening night and closing night blocks, you can use “Multi Sequence Robot” precompiled script in editor like reference.

I remember to you that you have a dedicated service to do script togheter in remote call.

All the best

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Hi Leo
good to see some examples , in the wiki there are a few examples as well
personally would like to see a few more with a full explanation of what each command does :slight_smile:

or are there any other users would like to share

I am sure when you get used to this scripting lark , it will become 2nd nature :hugs:



Hello Harry,

there’s a beautiful explanation video tutorial … but is in italian. If you need we can do an hour of lesson in remote.

All the best

I will watch the vid first and see what I can deduce , before I use my valuable hour of your time
