My first HSO (Elephant Trunk): thank you Voyager!

Still waiting for my new APO Esprit120, so still shooting with the small WO ZS61, but is a good time to start getting used to narrowband imaging and processing after 15 years or more on DSLR!

I always thought that with British weather having narrowband would be a waste as there’s not enough imagining time, then Voyager arrived, Dragscript was first love for some intelligent clouds management, and I started leaving the setup outside even during nights with just possible clear spells…and magically, a few hours are always collected.

So this is my first full narrowband attempt, a total of 2.5h per filter (5m HA and 10m for OIII/SII subs), over a few nights with Voyager always managing to get as many subs as humanly possible with the weather.


Congrats Giancarlo … this is a great result. Also congrats on fast-growing skill on Narrow imaging.
Thanks for using Voyager, really happy you found Voyager useful to increase your productivity.

All the best

Excellent first light with Voyager. Well done :+1:
