In On The Fly there are 2 sorts of sequences you can set up:
Sequence with lights, darks, bias
Sequence with flats
Since I would like to take lights darks bias and flats in the same sequence, would it be possible to add an option in sequence type 1 …maybe a check box with a link to a saved flats sequence created in type 2 that would allow the Flats to be taken at the end of acquisition of the other image types when running a type 1 sequence?
I realise that this can be done with Dragscript, but as a new user I’m not confident with that
are two kind of sequence different … i create a simple DragScript for you and attach the dragscript file also.
Remember you have license and you can ask for remote support to create or for explain directly DragScript.
You can adapt them to your neededs. Change sequence , flat sequence, temperature and time.
DragScript is just a drag and drop process to do … not needed to be programmer.