Hello. I am trying to set the dome with Voyager using the Lesvedome drivers but when the telescope points to 60 azimuth, the dome goes to 90 which does not happen if I use maxim dl and check “slave with telescope”: in this case all right. How can I get around? Thanks
How is your system connected to Lesvedome ?, the normal method is to use Ascom Device Hub, if using Device Hub you must select the selection “Slave to Telescope” in the Dome Control Tab to activate dome slaving to your telescope.
Please do not use the ASCOM HUB Device
Use the RoboSync option and put your geometry inside Voyager.
Voyager do not slave automatically the dome to telescope for safety, only if you press manually the slave command or during execution of a Sequence.
You will found more info here:
If you already use the RoboSync and slave the dome be sure to have the right geometry.
If you dont want to use RoboSync be sure your driver manage the geometry of your dome and slave to the dome the telescope itself (check if driver have this features).
All the best