Recommendation for weather station

I am looking for a weather station that works with Voayger. My telescope is free on the outside and is operated with an Eagle 4 Pro. This is integrated in the WLAN. I’m thinking now I’ll place a weather station on the roof of my house and integrate it into the WLAN. Thus the data should be accessible for the Eagle. Which weather station can you recommend that works well with Voyager? The Eagle Pro is mounted on top of my telescope. So a cable there would not be ideal. Many Thanks

I’m a fan of the AAG Cloudwatcher from Lunatico Astro. I’ve used it at two locations with very good results.


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Many Thanks. How did you connect it to the PC (via USB?). How exactly does Voayger retrieve the data from the device?

I just saw there is a master and remote installation and Voyager seems to “only” read one file, which can then be on the network.

Hi Enrico
I also have the the Lunatico CloudWatcher, coupled with the SOLO server becomes independent of any computer and is available from anywhere in your local network

here an examble running live in Spain


+1 regarding the AAG Cloudwatcher from Lunatico - very good product.

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I use in my remote also AAG/SOLO but if you like to build it by yourself then check the mySqm
mySQM+ DIY SQM WEATHER STATION download | that works also very good


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yet another +1 for AAG; make sure you put your sensors somewhere accessible :grinning:

a couple of screenshots attached for you

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Thank you everyone for this information. I have now ordered the parts.