Safe Setup Connection with retry - DragScript example

A user ask me for this … i pubblish for all the listing:

1   - 	Start: Events At Start are ENABLE
2   - 	Script
4   - 			Connect Setup
5   - 				IF OK
6   - 					Goto Block: CONNECTION OK
7   - 			Wait Time: 00:00:10 [hh:mm:ss] Interval
8   - 			Repeat Block For n Times: 3
9   - 			Goto Block: CONNECTION KO
10  - 		Block: CONNECTION KO
11  - 			Remark: Connection Problem after 3 retries
12  - 			Goto End
13  - 		Block: CONNECTION OK
14  - 			Remark: Connection gone ok i can continue
15  - 	End
16  - 	Events

SafeSetupConnection.vos (14.4 KB)

This script try to connect the setup for 3 times before exit for error.
Can be usefull if you have one of the control in setup that need more than one try to connect or are reluctanct for some timing reason to startup/connect.

For your info Voyager automatically connect only the control look in not connected status.

All the best

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