I use Voyager on an EAGLE4. That controls an ESATTO, ARCO, and filterwheel on an RST-135 mount.
I’ve elevated my optical setup so it can clear the pier even if it’s pointing at Zenith. But I noticed that if I try to do a go to using the hand controller of the RST-135, it will not hesitate to go beyond Zenith and make the optical chain crash into the pier (fortunately I stopped it before it did that).
Where do I set limits for meridian flips or configurations the mount shouldn’t position to? Is it in the RST-135 mount or in Voyager?
I have a similar question with the camera rotator. My filter wheel is large, so the protruding part needs to point up and its movement limited to 90 degrees to its left and right (which should be sufficient for all framing needs). But how do I impose such limits in Voyager? And will the limits be honored by Voyager when doing plate solve syncs or when framing a shot?