Viking manage now RIGRunner 4005i and WEB Power Switch Pro Cards

We have just finished to add to the list of managed I/O Cards in Viking 2 more ones:

  • West Mountain Radio RigRunner 4005i
  • Digital Loggers Web Power Switch Pro (REST API used in Firmware … no ASCOM driver)

Time for Francesco to pubblish on our channels announce of new version of Viking, the 1.0.21 - 2020-09-20.

I want to give a special thanks to Joseph (@jsardina) for shipping us the 2 hardware for development and testing. Really appreciated.

All the best


Thank you very much Leo.

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Great news! I have the web power switch pro.

Thanks, Leo.


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Remember if you want to use in viking that you need at least FW version and the setting reported in Viking page of wiki about web switch pro. This because Voyager use REST API for talk with device.

All the best and thank to you

Cool! Thank you Leo. This opens up some new possibilities!


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Once again I have to thank Leo for the time and effort he has put into this, It will really help me in my remote observatory 2,000 miles away.
Keep up the great work,

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A new release of Viking are incoming … we fix one problem with the RIGRunner and add Web Power Switch 7 interface and Web Power Switch Pro HTML interface.

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So does this mean we can use dragscript to turn Digital Loggers switches off/on?

Yes Tony,

you can use Dragscript to manage the Digital Loggers switches, if you have Viking installed and connected to Voyager.

All the best