Voyager 2.3.11 Release - Built 2024-06-02 (32bit and 64bit)

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Release 2.3.11 - Built 2024-06-02 - UPDATE INFO

[New] FIT Headers → Added possibility to indicate the content of the TELESCOP Header in the Setup → Mount → FIT Header section
[New] FIT Headers → Added possibility to remove the contents of the FILTER FIT Header leaving the empty field blank in the Setup → Camera → Various section
[New] FIT Headers → Added possibility to add the BAYERPAT FIT Header in the Setup → Camera → FIT Headers section. The value is not read automatically but must be entered according to the indications of the Camera manufacturer. Leave blank to not insert it.
[New] FIT Headers → Added possibility to add the ROWORDER FIT Header in the Setup → Camera → FIT Headers section. The value is not read automatically but must be entered according to the instructions of the Camera manufacturer. Leave blank to not insert it.
[New] FIT Headers → Added possibility to add the XBAYROFF FIT Header in the Setup → Camera → FIT Headers section. The value is not read automatically but must be entered according to the instructions of the Camera manufacturer. Leave blank to not insert it.
[New] FIT Headers → Added possibility to add the YBAYROFF FIT Header in the Setup → Camera → FIT Headers section. The value is not read automatically but must be entered according to the indications of the Camera manufacturer. Leave blank to not insert it.
[New] AI Engines → The AI ​​engines of the various RoboFire, RoboGuide, RoboSync, RoboTarget automatons have been updated
[New] Optimized performance of saving and opening FIT files
[New] RoboFire → Strengthened First Light Wizard algorithm when using CMOS cameras
[New] DragScript → Added the ability to indicate Voyager Environment and User Variables in the call arguments of the External Script block (Only for those who have the Voyager developer plugin active)
[New] DragScript → Added new Variables management block to insert the Unix GMT timestamp in seconds into a Decimal variable
[New] TheSky64 → Added flag in Setup → Voyager → External Processing Starting , to start TheSky64 in case it does not start by itself when one of the Voyager controls points to one of the TheSky64 controls
[New] DragScript → Added new Conditional block DO IF PIER SIDE to decide to perform operations based on the pier side of the mount
[Bug] Viking Client #2 → The event configurations were not displayed, even if they were regularly used and functioning
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