Voyager 2.3.6 Release - Built 2022-07-03

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Release 2.3.6 - Built 2022-07-03 - UPDATE INFO

NEW => The common settings, independent of the profiles, have been moved to a dedicated configuration file so as not to have to edit them every time (Application Server, WebDashboard, Authentication, etc)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ It is now possible to configure in the settings whether to export the notes of the Target selected with the RoboClip with its selection as the RoboTarget Manager Target
NEW => DragScript β†’ Added new Maxim Telescope Connect Block
NEW => DragScript β†’ Added new Maxim Telescope Disconnect Block
NEW => Maxim DL Camera β†’ Added possibility to disconnect the camera also in Maxim DL as an option to the Disconnection of the Setup in Voyager. Setting present in Voyager Room Configuration
NEW => DragScript β†’ New Forced Disconnect Setup Block added to forcibly disconnect the Seup without checking if the previous Connection was actually successful (all setup checks connected regularly)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added condition to MOON PHASE MIN to set the MOON UP condition as an option in AND (both conditions must be true to make the Target eligible)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added condition to MOON PHASE MAX to set the MOON DOWN condition as an option in OR (one of the two or both conditions must be true to make the Target eligible)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added condition to MOON DISTANCE to set the MOON DOWN condition as an option in OR (one of the two or both conditions must be true to make the Target eligible)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Introduced minimum remote RoboTarget version control required to use the RoboTarget Manager you are using
NEW => Introduced a new Automatic backup of the data contained in the DATA folder of Voyager (RoboClip, RoboTarget, General Data). The Backup takes place when Voyager is started, the backup data older than what is indicated in the MAX AGE of the Profiles will be automatically removed
NEW => FIT Viewer β†’ Added possibility to also create a txt file with the metadata of the automatic JPG image
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added emergency event recording in the logbook
NEW => Application Server β†’ Added RoboTarget Open command open to all clients to: Retrieve Target List
NEW => Application Server β†’ Added RoboTarget Open command open to all clients to: Retrieve List of Clicks Taken for a Target
NEW => Application Server β†’ Added RoboTarget Open command open to all clients to: Set the Rating of a shot taken (with external algorithm)
NEW => Application Server β†’ Added RoboTarget Open command open to all clients to: Delete a click made from the DataBase (does not physically delete the file)
NEW => Application Server β†’ Added RoboTarget Open command open to all clients to: Delete all shots taken below a certain rating (does not physically delete files and those with rating = 0)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added remote RoboTarget execution management
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to retrieve the list of remote RoboTarget executions and related information
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to retrieve the list of remote sequences performed during each single execution of the RoboTarget and related information
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added detailed error descriptions in DataBase as an additional informative note field for the Run table
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to retrieve the list of related internal events recorded for each Run
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to retrieve the list of related internal Annotations registered for each Run
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to retrieve the list of Sessions (Sequence for a Target) carried out with the relative data for each Run
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to retrieve the list of shots taken with the relative data for each Session
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to recover for each shot taken to set a rating
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to recover for each shot taken to remove it from the shots taken (logically and not physically, the FIT file is not removed)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added ability to remove / restore all shots taken in a Session
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added ability to remove / restore all shots taken in a Session based on Rating
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to export shots taken in CSV format with a column of cancle additional action / restore
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added the possibility to import shots taken in CSV format to delete, restore and change the rating of the shots taken
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added ability to remove / restore all shots taken in a Slot
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added ability to remove / restore all shots taken in a Slot based on Rating
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added progress information of the target, sessions and single Slots
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added command for the recalculation of Progress after delete, restore, change of shots taken and Slots
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added command to reset the progress of a target
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added recording of manipulation events of the shots taken in the logbook
NEW => Observing Conditions β†’ Added possibility to ignore Observing conditions data coming from VIKING and / or from the SQM control (providing the same data you can have fluctuating values)
NEW => Array β†’ The possibility of indicating the Azimuth as a constraint (minimum maximum value and external interval) has been added in sequence
NEW => Array β†’ The sequence that comes out due to constraints now reports SKIPPED as a status to be able to manage it on the DRAGSCRIPT side
NEW => Mount β†’ Added CanFindHome Feature control in the frame features check (report only the command already worked correctly)
NEW => Precise Pointing β†’ Now it is possible to indicate decimal values ​​lower than the arc second as pointing precision (required by users who perform spectroscopy)
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Manual Injection of Autofocus is now supported if the RoboTarget action is running a Sequence
NEW => AutoFocus β†’ Added the possibility to select as the temperature source for the autofocus trigger the one coming from the SQM control
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added management of Orphaned Sets and Targets (Sets and Targets belonging to non-existing profiles or with a non-existent and / or empty Basic Sequence)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added Cut / Paste management of Sets from one profile to another including Orphan Sets
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added Cut / Paste management of Orphaned Targets from one profile to another
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added Command to Reset SHOT Filter with UNKNOW Filter after TARGET Cut / Paste
NEW => DragScript β†’ Added 4 Quick start buttons configurable with user-choice DragScript and persistent memory
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added MAC Key Management for APIs with NDA
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotDoneBySetList Command
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotDoneSinceList Command
NEW => Safety Monitor β†’ Added possibility of string recognition for textual driver in CONTAINED, START WITH, EXACT MATCH mode
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added Command NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotJpg
NEW => Application Server β†’ Added TIUTC parameter to the ControlData event indicating the current date and time in UTC format
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added TAG string management for Target and Set
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ File Patterns β†’ Added three new patterns $$ RT_SET_NAME $$, $$ RT_SET_TAG $$, $$ RT_TARGET_TAG $$
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added the ability to finish the current shot even if the time for the target is over. New flag added to RoboTarget Manager target management
NEW => Application Server β†’ Added WeatherAndSafetyMonitorData event every 30s with indication of the Weather Control and Safety Monitor Control connection status and Weather data (CLOUD, RAIN, LIGHT, WIND) and SAFE / UNSAFE
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added DateTime UTC to the historical shots
NEW => Application Server β†’ Added UTC field to NDA commands related to the Shot Done request
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added management of Remote Cache JPG preview images to optimize data distribution times to Clients. Maximum default value 4GB
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added remote JPG viewer with file download and configurable Local Cache mechanism to optimize requests. Maximum default value 4GB
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to Delete & Restore Shot Done directly from the JPG Viewer
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added possibility to perform the Shot Done Rating directly and from the JPG Viewer
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added the RTSHOT string header (UID of Shot Done) to the FITs
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added the RTTARG string header (UID of the Target) to the FITs
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added the RTTAG string header (Target Tag) to the FITs
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ The RTSET string header (UID of the Set to which the Target belongs) has been added to the FITs
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added the RTSLOT string header to the FITs (UID of the Slot to which the Shot Done belongs)
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added NDA RemoteRoboTargetEnableDisableSetByTag command
NEW => FIT β†’ The PIERSIDE Header is now also saved in the FITs taken from the sequence, from the Exposure Block of the DragScript, from the RoboTarget
NEW => ROBOTARGET β†’ Added new DragScript environment variables dedicated to ROBOTARGET events (valid only if the RoboTarget action is active)
NEW => ROBOTARGET β†’ Added management of RoboTarget events configurable in DragScript with parallelized execution of self contained blocks dedicated to single events
NEW => DRAGSCRIPT β†’ Added RoboTarget Event Management General Block
NEW => DRAGSCRIPT β†’ Added DO IF ROBOTARGET EVENT Conditional Block with the possibility of defining single (multiple) event (s), the block can be repeated as desired, managing from all events, to a group up to a single event
NEW => MOUNT β†’ Added new Custom Horizon manager with the possibility of loading and viewing different types of horizon files (TheSkyX, Cartes du Ciel, Generico, APCC)
NEW => CUSTOM HORIZON β†’ Added possibility to indicate an altitude offset applicable to the entire loaded horizon
NEW => ROBOTARGET β†’ In the graphic synoptic of the targets the custom horizon is now also visible if enabled
NEW => TARGET UI β†’ Added drawing of Custom Horizon (yellow) and azimuth (orange) in the target synoptic (Status Bar)
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added Set Name field to Session window data
NEW => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Added contextual menu item (right mouse button) for Session type nodes under Runs to open the related Set or Target node to which they belong
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ Added new Moon Avoidance Lorentzian manager (Setup-> Voyager-> Moon Avoidance Manager) with the possibility of loading and viewing three different types of automatic distance (broadband, narrowband, free). Real-time graph and possibility to generate table data with Distance and Width parameters or by manually adjusting the individual moon phase values
NEW => RoboTarget Manager-> Added management of the new Moon Avoidance Lorentzian constraint with selection of the type of distance with the possibility of activating the Moon Down flag. The parameter works in and with the other Moon management parameters. To be used in mutual exclusion with the fixed distance of the previous constraint
NEW => DragScript β†’ Introduced new RoboTarget REPORT_PDF_READY event
NEW => RoboTarget β†’ In the configuration of the RoboTarget action it is now possible to request the creation of a PDF report saved in the Voyager data folders of what has been done with communication of the dedicated RoboTarget event
NEW => DragScript β†’ New Block Send RoboTarget Report to send the RoboTarget report by mail. It only works in the event management DO IF ROBOTARGET EVENT β†’ REPORT_PDF_READY
MOD => The control of the ASCOM platform in use (> = 6.5) has been associated only with the choice of the ASCOM Cover Calibrator Device
MOD => WebDashboard β†’ Improved management of Sending Images on the Server side to optimize memory consumption for large sensors and avoid possible errors of OutOfMemory of the Camera control
MOD => Sequence Configuration β†’ Minimum allowed value for rotator accuracy was 0.01 Β° port
MOD => RoboTarget β†’ Introduced a dedicated message in case of waiting in the execution of the sequence for starting in no goto zone on the meridian
MOD => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Legend updated with new node types in the remote management tree
MOD => Observing Conditions β†’ In case of multiple active Observing Conditions sources it was not possible to isolate a unique source for some data
MOD => Fork Mount β†’ Removed the misleading indications relating to the meridian and its management in the case of a FORK mount
MOD => Fork Mount β†’ Indications of the Pier Side for the Dome in case of use of FORK type mount fixed to the Pier East convention to avoid calculation of the GEM offset.
MOD => Dome β†’ Added additional log messages to highlight Driver Dome with blocking commands that prevent access to driver states
MOD => Array β†’ Added Azimuth Override in Sequence Block
MOD => RoboStar β†’ Changed Wrong Stars handler to be Case-InSensitive
MOD => RoboStar β†’ ModifiedWrong Stars manager to be Case-InSensitiveBUG => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Time Start and Time End constraints were not saved correctly
MOD => Chamber β†’ Flow rate the minimum temperature selectable for cooling at -274 Β° C for the chambers for scientific research
MOD => RoboTarget β†’ Added raj2000 and decj2000 parameter to NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotDoneSinceList command
MOD => FLAT β†’ Modified AutoFlat sequence configurator form to manage brightness up to level 9999
MOD => ROBOFIRE β†’ Changed maximum and minimum possible values ​​for constraints up to +/- 9999999
MOD => ROBOTARGET SECTION β†’ Modified data grid with alignment and word wrap (Reset the layout using the command at the bottom left of the window)
BUG => DragScript β†’ In the Exposure Block the flag to make the file name unique was always active , even if removed in configuration
BUG => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Shot β†’ It was not possible to manage the Shots for DSLR or COLOR cameras
BUG => RoboTarget Manager β†’ Remote β†’ In case of None authentication the Disconnect button was not unlocked in the Voyager Remote Site command area
BUG => DragScript Action β†’ Some DragScript blocks in case of internal errors caused the immediate termination of the DragScript execution instead of returning the IF ERROR for its eventual management
BUG => DragScript β†’ using the flag to add the focuser position to the file name, in case of a loop, led to adding the text in the file name several times
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ In case of β€œMax Shot for Night” constraint activated, the targets with longer time already executed in the night were in any case executed immediately without finishing the constraint checks of the subsequent targets in order of priority
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ The remaining minutes for a target were not calculated correctly if the sequence duration of the target was less than the minimum allowed duration
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ The introduction of Set with a name already used in other profiles caused the disappearance of the profile from the RoboTarget Manager list, the data remained unchanged but it was then impossible to manage the β€œabsent” profiles
BUG => Rotator β†’ For those who use β€œFrom Scope Position” as a method of managing the meridian change, the Rotator could undergo an unwanted 180 Β° rotation when changing the meridian due to an incorrect communication of the Pier Side. All due to a borderline timing influenced by the performance of the PC
BUG => Dome β†’ For those who use β€œFrom Scope Position” as a method of managing the meridian change, the Dome could undergo an unwanted rotation when the meridian changes due to an incorrect communication of the Pier Side. All due to a borderline timing influenced by the performance of the PC
BUG => Observing Conditions β†’ It was mistakenly given the option to remove Sky Brightness instead of Sky Quality
BUG => Research & Survey & Mosaic β†’ Removed unhandled exception in case of startup with no sequence selected
BUG => Mount β†’ In some conditions the tracking was started even if not requested when exiting the car park
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ The values ​​of the histogram with STF instead of RAW were used for the statistics of the single images. Sorry, this implies that the min, max, mean data recorded in the RoboTarget Database for versions prior to this one is incorrect.
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ In case of IDLE for no available target repeated over time the many simultaneous diagnostic messages (DEBUG) in the monitor box saturated the capacity of managing the message queues making the execution of the action unstable and preventing the execution commands such as abort. The information remained available in the LOG file dedicated to Advanced as it was originally intended
BUG => RoboTarget Manager β†’ In case of remote failure of the physical connection the disconnection was no longer possible and it was necessary to restart the Manager
BUG => Precise Pointing β†’ Unlocked values ​​lower than 1 arcsec for pointing precision
BUG => RoboTarget Action β†’ Removed SQL Logic problem for eligible Targets with less session time. Problem introduced by version 2.3.5q
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ An Orphaned Set / Target warning was reported when running RoboTarget, even if not true
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ The new pattern files dedicated to RoboTarget were not used correctly
BUG => Viking β†’ Typo text error in Viking # 1 client disconnection error, cul client with ID # 2 was incorrectly reported
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ Added SinceUTC parameter to NDA RemoteRoboTargetGetShotDoneSinceList command for search with UTC date
BUG => DragScript β†’ Text correction of the SQM block configuration form
BUG => RoboTarget β†’ On some occasions the custom horizon was not considered correctly
BUG => Target UI β†’ On some occasions the graph of the target Widget with the subject ephemerides and the custom horizon was not updated correctly


Wow, you have been busy!

I think you don’t have understand , RoboTarget is a feature of advanced and not of voyager Base.

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Thumbs UP Leo !!! Just incredible and jaw-dropping.

Congrats on the release of Voyager Advanced, Leo - fantastic work!

Now we need the β€œClear the Clouds Away!” feature - this North Carolina summer weather is killing me :slight_smile: !



Hi Scott,

Voyager have so many different versions … the release is for all and installer is one.
The statement β€œBut these features are actually unrelated to Voyager 2.3.6” have no sense.
At begin of each feature there is the target interested, so again ,some features are about Base other Array, other Advanced.

All the best

Big day for Voyager!

What a massive release. Excellent work!

Great job Leonardo!
So much successful work and excellent product at the end.

The only I can say is thank you for this!


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Thank you so much to all. Really appreciated your words.

All the best

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Thank you for your contained work and support of Voyager.

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