Voyager Advanced Mapping tool


I’m using Voyager advanced since it’s initial testing release and I very much enjoy it. I have acumulated hours of data on numerous target (30 completed and more in progress) thanks to RoboTarget Manager.

I would like to map those targets on a sky chart with their FOV, rotation, Name, and completion %.

The goal is having an up to date visual planning tool (synced to RobotTarget) to select new targets, optimize frame location, see what’s coming etc… Not unlike Voyager Dashboard but with all the target in the database and the ability to zoom and pan

It could be in the form of a checkbox in the dashboard (see picture), integrated sky chart, or a plug-in or a export function to send the data to another sky mapping tool (Carte du Ciel, TheSkyX, etc…).

Any idea ? feature request? / custom development ? or somebody is already doing this ?
