Voyager Advanced - park at end of night?

I started using the advanced scheduler with Robotarget and manager.
I was wondering if it was possible to park the mount automatically once a “night” is finished, ie when all images that could possibly be captured due to constraints are done for the night.
As I have a semi-permanent setup sitting in the garden, that would help me a lot: I can remove the telescope and store it in a safe place 1st thing in the morning.

Use the park dragscript block.

All the best

Many thanks, now I need to figure out how to use the script in Robotarget!
Will investigate it.
Kind regards

Not script , you must use dragscript and put robotarget inside. It’s really simple. Dragscript is not a script !!

Ok, never used Dragscript, another opportunity to learn. Thanks for the direction :blush:

Hey Rodolphe, Here is a thread on the use of dragscript with Voyager Advanced.
Dragscript example for voyager advanced - #2 by tdjh

Many thanks for the link, AstroGeorge. Will have a look at it.