Wait exposure complete before Meridian Flip?


From Rowland’s document about Mount Setup for Meridian Flip, the following statement:

Do Flip After Mount Passing Meridian by : Time in minutes to wait after the mount passes the meridian before performing the meridian flip. If an exposure is running, by default the exposure will be terminated and this means the meridian flip will be further delayed. In the sequence setup dialog there is an optional flag to force the meridian flip a given time after the meridian is reached. If set, this will abort the exposure and start a goto and meridian flip action. Whether or not you use this flag depends on your mount and pier mechanical characteristics. Most mounts allow some minutes of tracking after the meridian without generating a pier collision.”

If I read it correctly, it said that if the exposure is currently running, it will terminate the exposure and initiate a Meridian Flip and after the Flip is completed, it will restart the exposure.

I also don’t understand Rowland’s statement:

this means the meridian flip will be further delayed.” after saying the exposure will be terminated. It makes no sense.

If this is correct, then wouldn’t it be better for Voyager to wait for the exposure to be completed and then initiate the Meridian Flip? This way the sub won’t be lost or wasted.

Maybe I misunderstood Rowland’s statement.

Thank you,

That sentence originally said “by default the exposure will not be terminated and this means the meridian flip will be further delayed.” Somewhere along the line with many edits the “not” was deleted. I have restored it. Thanks for the catch.

Thank you very much Rowland.
