Wait safe clarification

I’m confused about the syntax and interpretation of the WAIT SAFE command.

As far as I understand it (and I may not be correct), WAIT SAFE means the following:

From the time the command is executed, wait unconditionally for the START of specified type of night (including an offset). Then continue waiting for a “safe” condition from the weather (or other) monitor. Keep waiting until the end of the type of night specified (with no offset possible).

Results of the command are as follows:

  • OK if we receive a “safe” condition prior to the end of the specified type of night (including offset)
  • TIMEOUT if we do not receive a “safe” condition prior to the end of the specified type of night (including offset)
  • ERROR if the night has recently ended or is more than a specified time away.

So if I set up my night’s imaging at lunch time, and run the script at that time, the WAIT SAFE will wait for (say) 30 minutes before astronomical night, and then begin watching the weather monitor. As soon as it receives a “safe” status it will proceed with preparing the dome and beginning the sequence. If it encounters the end of astronomical night it will raise a timeout and I can detect that with the IF TIMEOUT condition.

Am I correct?

Finally, what if I want to give up waiting about an hour before astronomical night ends? Following Leo’s advice, I’m running shorter multi-filter sequences multiple times in case of weather suspend events. There’s little point in starting a new one if it will end after astronomical (or nautical) twilight.

Many thanks!


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