WebDashboard Virtual FoV and interactive MOSAIC planning

Hi guys,
me and Leo are working to include the Mosaic planning feature in Virtual FoV and RoboClip.

Schermata 2020-01-30 alle 13.31.08

Hope you like!


Iā€™m looking forward to it, Francesco!


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Yes! Thatā€™s a clean place to put the MOSAIC planning; never thought of that.

Canā€™t wait!


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That will be fantastic to have available, it is about the only function available in SGP that I actually used that was not yet available within Voyager. I had been using Telescopius to generate frame center coordinates.

The Voyager web dashboard preview in my opinion provides a much better image than the mosaic framing function in SGP so it will be much nicer to use. Will it be possible to set the overlap percentage between frames in the web dashboard?

I have to say it, I love the web dashboard and if I had not already bought a Voyager license I would, just to get that functionality.


Hi Paul,
of course there will be setting for the overlap between frames, we know well itā€™s crucial for mosaic.
We are thinking also for best management of the entire mosaic panel data Set into RoboClip Web Management, for providing a comfortable user experience.



I will be waiting keenly for itā€™s release. I have a few mosaics in mind over the next year and it will be nice to manage them entirely within Voyager.

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Sweet! Looking forward to it. All I can do now is cloud mosaics thoughā€¦



Interactive Mosaic planning in Virtual FoV with panels overlap and RoboClip easy management is under development!
Work in progressā€¦


Hi Francesco!

This looks fantastic!

A small question. Itā€™s a bit of an edge case but especially for larger mosaics at higher declinations the rotation angle of each tile actually changes by a few degrees against the rotation angle of center image. Normally this is not noticeable but for some cases it means that if you use the same camera angle for all tiles then you have to use more overlap and crop. If you want to have a look as to how much of a difference it is, you can use the Pixinsight MosaicPlanner script (if you happen to have PixInsight) which has an option to ā€˜Adjust Tile Rotationā€™. As mentioned this becomes more of an issue the higher you go in declination and because most large mosaics are taken further down it isnā€™t noticed very much.

Maybe something to put on the list for a quiet time :rofl:


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Hi Mike,
You are right, we know the rotation changes between tiles, Leo and I have already talked about this.
I canā€™t tell you right now if it will be implemented in the initial version.
Thanks for the suggestion.

That would be a fantastic thing to see. I can say that other programs can produce some ā€œsurprisingā€ results with mosaics near the pole.

Hi guys,
We are working on the upcoming interactive Mosaic Planning feature and testing the tiles rotation adjustment near the Pole.

w.i.p. preview:


This looks like amazing. very good job!

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Thanks Marcio,
all the drawing functions and the interface are ready, in the next few days we will include best integration with RoboClip and make some tests before release it.
This is on my screen actually :slight_smile:

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The simplicyty and the clearness that youā€™re coming up with is impressive :slight_smile:

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Thanks Alex for your kind words, we do our best.

Looks super nice Francesco, great work!
Iā€™m ready for it - starting to shoot SH2-240 - definitely need a mosaic for that big guy :slight_smile:

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Thanks Rowland,
we are still working on it, for better integration and workflow optimization.
Almost there now.

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Just for complete, the interactive Mosaic planning and new enhanced R&S Sequence for Mosaic is here from Voyager 2.0.9 Version.
Take a look to the short demo video:

Best Regards