Add Bias and Dark Sequence

Hello Leo,

I know you gave suggestions to use Drag Script to capture Bias and Dark but I prefer using graphics like Sequence from OnTheFly window. We know that there are two sequence sessions, one is called “Sequence” and other called “Auto Flat”. Why not add a third one called “Auto Bias and Dark”? It would be a very simplified version of Auto Flat except that it would only connect to the camera and nothing else, there’s no reason for other equipment to be connected like mount, etc.

Simply clone from Auto Flat and strip out unnecessary stuff like filters (bias and dark don’t need filters), no mount controls, no Min/Max Exp, no target ADU, etc.


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I agree that this would be very useful, Peter.

Kind regards,


My reason for creating this thread is I tried to use Sequence window by selecting “dark” and “bias” instead of “light” as “type” and created a new profile to only enable camera and disabled everything else but when I run the sequence, it keeps popping up a window prompting me to enter J2000 coordinates even though the mount is disabled and not connected to Voyager.

Maybe modify the Sequence so that if Voyager sees “type” is “Bias” or “Dark”, then automatically ignore all equipment except camera?


We had talk about, you can use sequence, create a profile cloning the real one and change mount with a simulator.

Work fine, in sequence disable plate solving.

All the best

Thanks Leo.

It works but I still have to fill in dummy J2000 coordinates which is fine with me. Not only I disabled Plate Solving in Sequence but also in Setup window as well and still have to fill in J2000 coordinates in Sequence in order to successfully run sequence to capture bias and darks.

Thanks again,

Best solution is DragScript and precompiled one dedicated to bias and dark, you can work with observatory closed and all parked but if you want to use sequence create just one sequence and use for all the dark and bias you want, set mount fork and put 1 in RA and DEC in sequence setting (you dont need to put in other place). If you have CMOS you can redo when you want, if you have CCD normally dark and bias work for many years.

All the best

I already did what you suggested and works fine.

When I have time, I will learn DragScript.


I’ll Fork the Sequence Action to Calibration Action is not difficult.

All the best




Did we ever get a function for darks ?

Dear Max,

you have it:

Request for dedicated sequence is on to do list at low priority.

All the best

Thanks Leo. I can do this !

Hi Leo,

With this script the saved files are not numbered (001/002/003…etc). Is there a way to have this happen?

No Tom, this can’t happen.

All the best

Can you please create a dedicated sequence for Calibration Action for Bias and Darks? I’ve been helping a friend but he doesn’t understand Drag Script and I think creating a dedicated sequence for Bias and Darks would be very helpful. My friend really loves Voyager as long as he does not use Drag Script.


Hi Peter,

it is on the todo list but with low priority.

DragScript is just a drag and drop visual editor , really easy to use … waiting for implementation you asked please suggest to your friend to ask me for a remote session and I will explain how to manage the calibration FIT.

All the best