[Daily Build] Voyager 2.0.14e version ready

Ready to download the daily build 2.0.14e of Voyager:

So many changes to Voyager was done with this daily build with a hard work in this 2 week. All the change in 2.0.14x daily build will be release soon as 2.1.0 version of Voyager.

'[DRAGSCRIPT] => NEW => In the DragScript suspend event it is now possible to manage the timeout as well as absolutely also for relative time and end of astronomical night interval
'[SAFETYMONITOR] => NEW => New “Safety Monitor” type control is ready to use
'[SAFETYMONITOR] => NEW => Voyager is now able to manage Safety Monitor information from ASCOM Drivers
'[SAFETYMONITOR] => NEW => The Safety Monitor indicating Unsafe can be configured for emergency exit or for emergency suspension with Safe Resume
'[MAINWINDOW] => NEW => Added SafetyMonitor status LED in the Status Bar before the Application Server Status LED (off = not configured, red = No Safe, green = Safe)
'[CONNECTION PARADIGM] => NEW => The connection / disconnection paradigm has been changed it is now possible to make connections / disconnections of individual controls [in this daily build only the SafetyMonitor]
'[WORKSPACE] => NEW => The Voyager sections are now always operational even without having connected the setup
'[DRAGSCRIPT] => NEW => Added block in DragScript to connect only the SafetyMonitor control. Useful for monitoring favorable conditions before connecting the whole setup if only the safety monitor is used
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Sequences are now associated with the loaded Setup Profile
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Thanks to the association with the profile the Sequences can be created / modified even without being connected to the setup
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => There is an automatic tool to select the sequence of the sequences to be used for their editing (Automatic to the current profile, leaving the original profile, manually selecting the profile)
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Thanks to the automatic tool for selecting the Sequences profile it is possible to edit a sequence of another profile from a profile without loading it.
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Added to the Tools menu also the Editor Sequence, the Sequences can be managed even during the execution of Actions
'[RESEARCH & SURVEY] => NEW => Everything done for the Sequences regarding the Profile is also applicable to the Search & Survey Sequences
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => The Flat Sequences are now associated with the loaded Setup Profile
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => Thanks to the association with the profile the Flat Sequences can be created / modified even without being connected to the setup
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => There is an automatic tool to select the profile of the Flat Sequences to be used for their editing (Automatic to the current profile, leaving the original profile, manually selecting the profile)
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => Thanks to the automatic tool for selecting the Sequenze Flat profile, it is possible to edit a profile profile from another profile without loading it.
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => Added to the Tools menu also the Flat Sequence Editor, the Flat Sequences can be managed even during the execution of Actions
'[DRAGSCRIPT] => NEW => Added new block for dither not guided in DragScript
'[DRAGSCRIPT] => MOD => Added confirming questions for the creation of modified and unsaved scripts during the rest, the loading and closing of the Editor

'[DRAGSCRIPT] => NEW => Nell’evento di suspend del DragScript è ora possibile gestire il timeout oltre che in modo assoluto anche per intervallo relativo di tempo e fine notte astronomica
'[SAFETYMONITOR] => NEW => Nuovo Controllo di tipo “Safety Monitor”
'[SAFETYMONITOR] => NEW => Voyager è da adesso in grado di gestire informazione di Safety Monitor da Driver ASCOM
'[SAFETYMONITOR] => NEW => Il Safety Monitor che indica Unsafe può essere configurato per uscita d’emergenza o per sospensione d’emergenza con resume al Safe
'[MAINWINDOW] => NEW => Aggiunto LED di stato SafetyMonitor nella Status Bar prima del led di Stato dell’Application Server (spento=non configurato, rosso = No Safe, verde = Safe)
'[CONNECTION PARADIGM] => NEW => Il paradigma di connessione/disconnessione è stato cambiato è ora possibile effettuare connessioni/disconnissione di singoli controlli [in questa daily build solo il SafetyMonitor]
'[WORKSPACE] => NEW => Le sezioni di Voyager sono ora sempre operative anche senza aver connesso il setup
'[DRAGSCRIPT] => NEW => Aggiunto blocco nel DragScript per connettere il solo controllo SafetyMonitor. Utile per monitorare le condizioni favorevoli prima di connettere tutto il setup se si usa il solo safety monitor
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Le Sequenze sono ora associate al Profilo di Setup caricato
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Grazie all’associazione al profilo le Sequenze possono essere create/modificate anche senza essere connessi al setup
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Esiste uno strumento automatico di selezione del profilo delle Sequenze da utilizzar per il loro editing (Automatico al profilo attuale, lasciando il profilo originale, selezionando manualmente il profilo)
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Grazie allo strumento automatico di selezione del profilo Sequenze è possibile da un profilo editare anche sequenza di altro profilo senza caricarlo
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Aggiunto al menù Tools anche l’Editor Sequence, le Sequence possono essere gestite anche durante l’esecuzioni di Azioni
'[RESEARCH & SURVEY] => NEW => Quanto fatto per le Sequenze in merito al Profilo è applicabile anche alle Sequenze di Ricerca & Survey
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => Le Sequenze Flat sono ora associate al Profilo di Setup caricato
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => Grazie all’associazione al profilo le Sequenze Flat possono essere create/modificate anche senza essere connessi al setup
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => Esiste uno strumento automatico di selezione del profilo delle Sequenze Flat da utilizzar per il loro editing (Automatico al profilo attuale, lasciando il profilo originale, selezionando manualmente il profilo)
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => Grazie allo strumento automatico di selezione del profilo Sequenze Flat è possibile da un profilo editare anche sequenza flat di altro profilo senza caricarlo
'[AUTOFLAT] => NEW => Aggiunto al menù Tools anche l’Editor Flat Sequence, le Flat Sequence possono essere gestite anche durante l’esecuzioni di Azioni
'[DRAGSCRIPT] => NEW => Aggiunto nuovo blocco per il dithering non guidato nel DragScript
'[DRAGSCRIPT] => MOD => Aggiunte domande di conferma per la getione degli script modificati e non salvati durante il rest, il caricamento e la chiusura dell’Editor

Daily Build is declared potentially unstable … download the last official release version to come back.


Some screenshot about new features:


You are the man Leo! :sunglasses:

I know :sunglasses: … shhhhhh :zipper_mouth_face:!!

I agree with you… :grinning:

Fantastic stuff Leo, these are extremely good usability / “quality of life” features.

I’ll add to the Wiki shortly… giving a presentation on “Beginning Astrophotography” on Tuesday and need to write that first!


One question comes to mind - if a Sequence is executing, either OnTheFly or in a DragScript, can you edit it or is a snapshot taken when the sequence starts?

Example - I start a sequence that includes L, R, G and B exposures - say 10 of each. The sequence starts executing. I want to change “10” to “20” exposures each. Or add Ha filter. Can I do that without aborting the sequence or script?

I want to be clear in the Wiki what happens if a sequence is executing and you try to edit it.


Excellent news, Leo. I’ve posted the list of new features to Cloudy Nights. This should encourage some of those reluctant to try Voyager due to the previously missing features. You’re quite the conscientious man, Leo.

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This is a fantastic release, Leo. You’ve been very busy.

Thank you!


@Rowland_Archer no problem Rowland … thank you so much for your time
@Rowland_Archer Voyager using shadow memory to edit/modify/run sequence. You can create/change all the sequences you want, if you modify the sequence running the sequence will not be affected by change until you restart it. I’m finding a way to hot modify …

@epdreher Thank you … i think most of CN users hate Voyager. Probably because i’m writing bad english :thinking: :smile:

@Starship Thanks to you … so many time inside Voyager … to much !

Thanks to all of you that had look at this post.

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OMG! what an update!

Thanks … so kind …

This would be the icing on the cake! With the weather I get in SE England, I keep changing the order of my sequences and start/stop times. If there is a way of modifying these, it would be a game changer! :muscle:

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I agree with Roberto, hot modification would be a huge help. Like Roberto, I sometimes want to change something in a running sequence and I don’t want to start over from the beginning. Pure hot modification with no pause is best, but even a Pause / Edit / Resume where you left off or at a specified sequence element would be great.


You can do this now with dragscript … just move the block and change time, save dragscript then stop and restart the dragscript with sequence starting options from the node you want.

Also if you change a sequence before it start on dragscript the dragscript use the new version without stopping nothing.

I’m talking (for hot change) changing the slot in the actual sequence running…

A Full license of Voyager will work for final shot time … just ask object and time for filter and exposure lenght for filter with some constraints … and nothing else. In this case the sequence save the shot advance.

“I’m talking (for hot change) changing the slot in the actual sequence running…”

That’s what I’m talking about too :slight_smile:

But I understand your examples of ways to achieve the same goal today.

Hot edit would be easiest for the user, just make the change to the running sequence and the changes take effect with the next frame… or slot? Ideally with the next frame I think.


Problem is which change to allow ?
Number is ok, duration is ok readout mode and speed and bin is ok and so just filter is a problem because can mean to redo focus.

Leo, I seriously doubt it’s your English, which is obviously better than our Italian. :wink:

There are very likely far more CN members trying Voyager than are being open about it. SGP is entrenched and it is a good program, but not nearly as user-friendly as Voyager. When I’m away from SGP for a couple of weeks due to our crazy weather this year, I feel like I have to review my familiarity before using it again.

Not so with Voyager. It just flows when I want to do something under the stars. CN members don’t hate Voyager, they’re just used to SGP, with some of them unwilling to try something new.

@Rowland_Archer I think to have found a way … inject from monitor menù to evaluate reload of actual running sequence . Just see what change and prepare and show an interactive windows to ask to user what to do based on what voyager found different … this mean i can expand change control during the weeks to make development more flexible.

@epdreher thanks Eric … and thanks for your analysis. I think Voyager have inside a lot of technology … its difficult to communicate this because some people like more a better GUI instead of a better automation engine inside