[Daily Build] Voyager 2.1.7s version ready

Ready to download the daily build 2.1.7s of Voyager:

'[SAFETY] => NEW => Added Safety parameter in the Mount tab of Voyager Settings to manage the minimum acceptable Altitude value in degrees that can be used for goto or sequences
'[TSX] => NEW => For those who have TSX that does not start autonomously via Win10’s DCOM, there is a new Voyager forced startup procedure, the flag can be found in the settings tab Voyager box external process starting
’[BLOCKS] => NEW => Added in DragScript new block DO IF HA BETWEEN
’[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Added to sequence two new constraints for HA to exit if HA is less than minimum and / or exit if greater than maximum
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => NEW => Added new RemoteMountFastCommand remote command for the operations of: Park, Unpark, Track, Untrack, Homing, Goto Near Zenith
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => MOD => Added RUNSEQ info parameter with the name of the running sequence file
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => MOD => Added info RUNDS parameter with the name of the running DragScript file
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => MOD => Added dimension in pixels of the image to the Application Server’s NewJPGReady event
'[NEXMO] => BUG => AstrodogVoy crashed if there was no internet when sending SMS
'[ROBOGUIDE] => BUG => On some occasions RoboGuide mistakenly reported in the monitor log that he had found only saturated stars for driving
'[FIT] => BUG => Added Flag in Voyager Camera setup to avoid writing AIRMASS in FIT
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => BUG => The request for RemoteCooling without parameters to true always started the warmup, now activates the peltier
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => BUG => Incorrect creation of the RUNDS parameter in the Application Server ControlData event


'[SAFETY] => NEW => Aggiunto parametro di Safety nel tab Mount dei Settaggi di Voyager per gestire il valore minimo accettabile di Altitudine in gradi utilizzabile per i goto o per le sequenze
'[TSX] => NEW => Per chi ha TSX che non si avvia autonomamente tramite DCOM di Win10 c’è una nuova procedura di avvio forzata da Voyager, il flag lo trovate nei settings tab Voyager box external process starting
'[BLOCCHI] => NEW => Aggiunto in DragScript nuovo blocco DO IF HA BETWEEN
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => NEW => Aggiunto nuovo comando remoto RemoteMountFastCommand per le operazioni di : Park, Unpark, Track, Untrack, Homing, Goto Near Zenith
'[SEQUENCE] => NEW => Aggiunti a sequenza due nuovi vincoli per HA per uscire se HA minore del minimo e/o uscire se maggiore del massimo
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => MOD => Aggiunto parametro info RUNSEQ con il nome del file di sequenza in esecuzione
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => MOD => Aggiunto parametro info RUNDS con il nome del file di DragScript in esecuzione
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => MOD => Aggiunta dimensione in pixel dell’immagine all’evento NewJPGReady dell’Application Server
'[NEXMO] => BUG => AstrodogVoy crashava se non c’era internet durante invio SMS
'[ROBOGUIDE] => BUG => In alcune occasioni RoboGuide riportava erroneamente nel monitor log di aver trovato solo stelle sature per la guida
'[FIT] => BUG => Aggiunto Flag nel setup Camera di Voyager per evitare la scrittura dell’AIRMASS nel FIT
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => BUG => La richiesta di RemoteCooling senza parametri a true avviava sempre il warmup, ora attiva la peltier
'[APPLICATION SERVER] => BUG => Errata creazione del parametro RUNDS nell’evento ControlData dell’Application Server

Daily Build is declared potentially unstable … download the last official release version to come back.


About block DO IF HA BETWEEN:

  • you can choose positive and negative value
  • interval can be negative to positive, negative to negative, positive to positive … just respect direction lower to higher values
  • in Sequence setting now you have two flag to check HA during sequence < or > of a value, you can activate lower and/or greater flag … combining this with DO IF HA block mean to have a really powefull tools to manage all your shoting with a single Dragscript over all the years

I will add DO IF ALTITUDE/PIERSIDE BETWEEN in the next days

All the best and let me know about !


Wiki updated - good stuff, thanks Leo!



This is an excellent addition Leo. Thank you.



Hi Leo,
Excellent! These are two really helpful additions, HA range in both sequence and blocks, and suppressing airmass update in FITS images (already provided by MaximDL). I have not been able to automate my observing program because of the lack of HA checking. Now I can do this, again, thank you very much Leo.



Thank you very much, that’s excellent news Leo. The HA feature will save me so much time.

Many thanks